Superfluous examinations and operations

Superfluous examinations and operations / Health News

Superfluous examinations and operations


Again and again, the German health system is in the criticism. The chief executive of the Techniker health insurance company expressed itself in an interview with the „image“-Newspaper on unnecessary treatments, a possible end of private insurance and the rip off of the so-called „GOUDA CHEESE“-doctors.

Again additional contributions?
At the moment, the statutory health insurance companies in Germany are doing well. The technician health insurance (TK) even so good that they will distribute this year, half a billion euros surplus to their insured, so the TK CEO Jens Baas in the „image“-Newspaper from Tuesday. Since the state has increased the contribution rate, are currently about 28 billion euros in the health system. However, according to Baas, the situation will change by 2015 at the latest: „Then the expenditure rises again stronger than the revenue.“ He concludes: „Many funds will again have to introduce additional contributions to survive.“

End of private insurance?
Baas is campaigning for a reform of the insurance market: „We need a single market with fair competition - that would be the end of private insurance in its current form.“ Thus, the statutory health insurance would then have to pay higher fees for doctors. It could not go on with these parallel worlds of private and legal health insurers. The Acting Federal Minister of Health Daniel Bahr, who is in the discussion about the abolition of the private health insurance at the annual meeting of the „Association of Private Health Insurance“ again „emphatically pronounced for the coexistence of private and statutory health insurance“ had the information on the website of the association.

Two-class society
Almost one in four legally insured (24 percent) has to wait more than three weeks for an appointment with the specialist revealed an insured survey of the research group elections. For private insured it is only five percent. „We have a strange two-class society in Germany“, so Baas. Although the fees of the statutory health insurance companies make up the skin portion of the revenue of a doctor's office, but: „As a private insured you get an appointment faster.“ Baas continued: „If a doctor earns more from private patients, it may be that he prefers these on appointments.“

Unnecessary treatments
These circumstances often lead to unnecessary examinations and operations. Cardiovascular examinations are at the top of the list. „Germany is world champion here.“ Also severely affected were operations on the musculoskeletal system such as the hip or back surgeries. 80 percent of operations due to back pain are unnecessary, according to an older survey of the Techniker Krankenkasse (TK). „TK offers a second opinion procedure. It came out: In 80 percent of cases, the second surgeon did not consider a planned operation necessary.“

Rip off „GOUDA CHEESE“-doctors
According to Baas but could make a rip-off at the doctor's visit everyone. Which doctors eager to cash, the TK boss also knows: „Doctors, who very often bill self-payer benefits, have the nickname in the circle of colleagues ´GOUDA CHEESE´.“ These include: gynecologists, orthopedists, urologists, dermatologists and ophthalmologists. (Ad)

Picture: Martin Büdenbender