Already a single alcohol intoxication can severely change our genes

Already a single alcohol intoxication can severely change our genes / Health News

How does alcohol consumption affect sleep patterns??

Many adult people drink alcohol regularly, some even several times a month until full frenzy. Earlier studies had already shown that an alcohol intoxication is associated with sleep disorders. Researchers have now found that even a single heavy intoxication affects a gene that regulates sleep, which in turn can lead to sleep disorders.

The researchers from the University of Missouri School of Medicine found in their current study that even a full frenzy of alcohol affects a gene that regulates sleep. Increased sleep disorders are the result.

The consumption of alcohol is by no means healthy for the body. An alcohol frenzy also affects sleep and even changes a gene in the body. (Image: Aliaksandr Marko /

Sleep problems can trigger alcoholism?

In the study, the experts observed that even a single intoxication by alcohol can induce sleep disorders in mice. This is due to the effect of alcohol on a specific gene that affects sleep. The findings may shed light on how alcoholism can contribute to sleep problems in humans, the researchers say.

Alcoholics often have sleep problems

"Sleep is a serious problem for alcoholics," explains study author Professor Dr. Mahesh Thakkar from the University of Missouri. If people drink a lot of alcohol, it will cause those affected to suffer from sleep disturbances and sleep deprivation the following day. However, alcoholics will have to drink alcohol again in order to go to sleep. This is a dangerous cycle, adds the expert. Is it possible to prevent this vicious circle before it even starts? To better understand this problem, scientists tried to decipher the mechanisms involved.

What caused the alcohol consumption?

Using a mouse model, the researchers observed the effects of so-called binge drinking on the sleep pattern. When mice consumed large amounts of alcohol, four hours after alcohol intoxication, they experienced a significant increase in non-rapid eye movement during sleep, followed by increased wakefulness and decreased sleep during subsequent sleep periods, the researchers explain.

Already four drinks in one day can change the genes

"In our research, we were able to show that a particular gene, which is very important for sleep homeostasis, is strongly influenced by alcohol," explains study author Professor Dr. med. Thakkar. Such a result, the experts had not expected. "We thought that the gene would be affected after several sessions of coma, but not after just one session," the scientist adds in a press release. This means that even the consumption of four drinks can change the genes. (As)