Surprising study results Computer players learn much better

Surprising study results Computer players learn much better / Health News

Good news for gamers: computer gamers learn faster

Computer and video games generally have a rather bad reputation. For example, they are associated with addictive behavior or even acts of violence. But there are also increasing indications of positive effects of computer games. In a recent study, neuropsychologists from the Ruhr University Bochum (RUB) were able to prove that gamers obviously have advantages in learning.

The scientists compared computer gamers and a control group with a learning task in which the gamer performed significantly better and also during the test showed a higher activity in a learning-relevant brain area, the hippocampus, reports the RUB. Apparently, the computer games have a positive effect on the perception and the storage of information, which makes it easier for gamers to learn. The results of the current study were published in the journal "Behavioral Brain Research".

Computer games apparently increase the ability to learn. In a recent study, gamers performed much better on learning tasks than non-computer gamers. (Image: Iryna Tiumentseva /

Weather forecast task as a learning test

In their investigation, Professor Boris Suchan, Sabrina Schenk and Robert Lech of the RUB confront the computer players and non-players with the so-called weather forecasting task, which is considered an established test for learning the probabilities of learning. In the test, the subjects are shown a combination of three playing cards and they should estimate whether the cards predict rain or shine, the scientists explain. The different combinations are associated with different probabilities for rain and sunshine. These learn to interpret the test persons with the time based on the feedback correctly and thus to predict the weather.

Gamers capture situations more quickly

According to the researchers, the gamers were particularly good at playing card combinations with high uncertainty - for example, when a combination predicted rainfall in 60 percent of the cases and sunshine in 40 percent of the cases. Moreover, the analysis of the questionnaires showed that the players had gained more insight into the importance of the cards. "Our study shows that video gamers are better at grasping situations quickly, generating new knowledge and categorizing knowledge - especially in situations of high uncertainty," says first author Sabrina Schenk.

Computer games stimulate certain brain regions

According to the scientists, it can be assumed that the gamer will achieve better results because video games stimulate certain brain regions. Her way of learning was associated with increased activity in the hippocampus, which in turn plays a crucial role in learning and memory. "We believe that video games train certain areas of the brain, such as the hippocampus," says Schenk. This was "exciting not only for young people, but also for older people; Because in old age changes in the hippocampus cause the memory performance to wane, "explains the neuropsychologist. Maybe this could be treated in the future with video games. (Fp)