Everywhere Irritant gas 47 students injured by irritant gas - 19 in the clinic

Everywhere Irritant gas 47 students injured by irritant gas - 19 in the clinic / Health News
Irritating gas sprayed: 19 students must in clinic
At a school in Hanover about 50 students complained on Friday about health problems such as nausea and vomiting. Rescuers launched a major operation. 19 students were taken to the hospital. Cause was probably sprayed irritant gas.
Students complained of nausea and vomiting
A total of 19 students were taken to a clinic on Friday after an alarm due to strange odors at a secondary school in Hanover. According to a message from the news agency dpa, the fire department said that the young people had previously complained of nausea and partly vomited. It is said that the cause of the incident was probably irritating gas. Police were able to investigate evidence of a 16-year-old schoolgirl as the probable cause.

19 adolescents had to be taken care of in the clinic. Picture: bluedesign - fotolia

Irritating gas sprayed in the break
A fire department spokesman said that a total of 47 of the 420 students of the Gerhart-Hauptmann-Realschule were treated. The school operation had been discontinued. In addition to the students, a teacher who slipped and fell on the smooth yard also came to the hospital. As the fire department spokesman further said, had probably been sprayed in the break time irritant gas. This would indicate the irritation of the respiratory tract and eyes as well as the nausea of ​​the children. There were a total of 42 rescue teams and 20 emergency vehicles on site.

Health consequences
Irritant gas, such as tear gas or pepper spray, is used in Germany, among others, by the police during demonstrations. Some people also acquire such funds privately for self-defense. Minors often find it difficult to get such sprays. The symptoms caused by this usually occur immediately or a few seconds after spraying. Sprayed irritating gas can cause swelling of the mucous membranes and immediate closure of the eyelids. By inhaling the irritant usually cough and shortness of breath occur. An unpleasant itching often develops on the skin. (Ad)