Over 500 flu cases and three dead in Berlin

Over 500 flu cases and three dead in Berlin / Health News
Flu epidemic: Already over 500 cases and three dead in Berlin
The flu epidemic in 2016 started months ago: the influenza virus continues to spread in Germany. In the capital, the flu season this year is stronger. Above all, the number of admissions in Berlin clinics has increased.

First influenza cases already in October
The current flu epidemic has already started last autumn. Already in October first flu cases were reported in Berlin and Brandenburg. Particularly striking this season is that mostly healthy adults are infected with severe flu, as the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) recently reported. Nationwide, more than 4,600 diseases have been reported so far. The citizens of the capital are more affected by the flu this winter than a year ago.

Berlin is currently experiencing many serious flu illnesses. (Image: auremar / fotolia.com)

Over 500 infections and three deaths
According to the latest "Epidemiological weekly report" of the State Office for Health and Social Affairs (Lageso), the number of reported cases is more than a quarter higher than in the 2014/2015 season. According to information, over 510 infections and three deaths have been reported since October 2015. It is gratifying that there are no major contagion chains, such as schools. However, so far had twice as many patients as in the preseason to the hospital. According to the report, most cases occurred in the districts of Pankow, Steglitz-Zehlendorf and Tempelhof-Schöneberg. It is said that especially children up to the age of nine and adults 30 to 59 years old have been affected.

Difference between flu and simple cold
However, the reported data reflects only a part of the actual happenings. Patients are often not sure if a flu or influenza infection is responsible for their symptoms. Not all of them go to the doctor and even there people with cold symptoms are not always tested for influenza. Unlike the common cold, influenza influenza is a weeks-long and contagious disease. It manifests itself among other things by high fever, joint and limb pain, chills, headache and cough. According to health experts, deaths from the flu virus are nothing out of the ordinary. (Ad)