Over 100 years of wonder studies unlock the secrets of long life

Over 100 years of wonder studies unlock the secrets of long life / Health News
Scientists investigate: Why do people in a village in Italy get so old??
Many people want a long and carefree life. Diseases and environmental influences, however, have a negative effect on our life expectancy. In Italy, however, there is a village in which a great many people over 100 years old. Researchers now found the secret of this longevity.

The researchers from Rome's Sapienza University and the San Diego School of Medicine found in a recent study that the secret of longevity is the special healthy diet of the residents. In addition, the people in the village are extremely active and sexually even in old age. The doctors published an amazing report with the results of the study.

People live in a village in Italy for an above-average length of time. Many residents are over one hundred years old. Researchers are now trying to find out what lies behind the secret of longevity. (Image: Robert Kneschke / fotolia.com)

Physicians examine the inhabitants of Acciaroli
The researchers spent the past six months researching the inhabitants of Acciaroli. This village is located on the west coast of Italy. The little village is known for its inhabitants living there for a very long time. The experts examined the diet of the residents and their impact on life expectancy.

Many old residents seem to be immune to heart disease and dementia
The scientists found that the inhabitants of the village eat very well. In the so-called Mediterranean diet, even some fats are healthy. But also a lot of fish and fresh herbs support the general health. In addition, the authors explain that the sexual activity in the elderly was seemingly rampant. As a result of this lifestyle, residents appear to be largely immune to heart disease, dementia and other disorders.

People eat a lot of fish, fruits and vegetables from the area
Extre many residents of the village have reached an age over 100 years, says the mayor. Local resident Antonio Vassalo attributed his high age (100 years) to the health benefits of the so-called Mediterranean diet. Such a diet contains a lot of olive oil, vegetables, fish and fresh fruit. The old man and his wife (93 years) eat a lot of fish and fresh, home-grown food. The inhabitants also breed their own rabbits and chickens. The entire diet consists exclusively of local produce and lots of olive oil. The inhabitants seem to consume relatively little saturated fats. Such saturated fats affect the overall life expectancy.

The picturesque environment leads to increased life expectancy?
The village of Acciaroli is located in an area largely free of industry. The surroundings of the village are of exceptional beauty, say the authors. As a result, the area now has the protected status of a national park. The picturesque surroundings of the village could also influence the age of the inhabitants. Earlier studies found that living in the countryside increases life expectancy.

Residents of the village are all physically very active
The explanation for the exceptional longevity and liveliness could be due to a variety of factors, explains Alan S. Maisel of the San Diego School of Medicine. The villagers have a high consumption of rosemary. They eat rosemary there almost every day. These and other herbs are grown in the area itself. Maybe that makes a difference. For example, it is known that rosemary improves brain function, researchers say.

In addition, the inhabitants of Acciaroli are all physically very active. All people go fishing, walking or gardening every day. They are forced into an active lifestyle because their hometown is criss-crossed by many steep streets, the scientists report. It may also be in the genes of the residents that they are above average healthy and live very long, says Maisel.

Guide to a longer life?
The study focused on 80 older people. Among these subjects were also 25 centenarians. We wanted to find out in our study, which secret the inhabitants of Acciaroli are so old, says Salvatore Di Somma of Sapienza University. We are trying to create something like a policy for a long life, the researcher continued. This should include a certain type of healthy diet and a degree of physical activity. In addition, our social life and the general way of thinking affect our life expectancy, adds Di Somma

People benefit from fresh air and vitality
The number of very old people was divided equally between men and women. This was very unusual, says Maisel. On average, women live significantly longer than men on average. In fact, there could be another important ingredient to a long and happy life. For older people in the village, sexual activity seems to be widespread. Maybe the long life expectancy had something to do with good air and joie de vivre, the author speculates. (As)