Benzene in soft drinks

Benzene risks in soft drinks
Benzene is carcinogenic and genotoxic. The Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) provides information on its website about the substance and its risks, above all in soft drinks and carrot juices.
Benzene comes mainly from fuels and combustion processes. Consumers absorb benzene mainly through the air they breathe. However, the substance may also be present as an impurity in drinking water or food. Benzene has also been detected in non-alcoholic soft drinks as well as carrot juices for infants and young children.
For soft drinks, the addition of the preservative benzoic acid can lead to the formation of benzene in the beverage, if at the same time also ascorbic acid is included. In the case of carotid juices for infants and young children, there is evidence that prolonged heating of the product above 100 ° C for sterilization is the cause of benzene formation. The substance can be produced from natural ingredients of the carrot under these conditions.
The largest share of the total exposure of benzene is absorbed by the respiratory air. In contrast, the contribution of benzene intake from soft drinks and carrot juices - and thus also their health risks - is comparatively low, so that BfR. (Pm)
Image: Benjamin Klack