Popular nougat spread Do dangerous pesticides poison the hazelnuts for Nutella?

The cultivation of Nutella nuts apparently uses toxic pesticide
Again and again, the chocolate spread Nutella gets due to the high sugar and fat content in the criticism. Now it was also known that highly toxic pesticides are used in the cultivation of hazelnuts needed for the cream.
Spread is always in the criticism
In the past, Nutella was promoted, among other things, with the slogan "naturally healthy", but according to experts, there could be no question of it. The world's most well-known nut nougat cream has already been described several times as hazardous to health because of its high content of sugar and fat. And now, according to media reports, it also became known that the cultivation of the hazelnuts needed for the spread appears to involve the use of highly toxic pesticides.

Sugar and fat are the main ingredients
According to experts, the term "nut nougat cream" for Nutella is rather misleading, since the main ingredients are sugar and fat.
This is also reflected in the high calorie content. A glass contains 4520 kilocalories, as reported on the Instagram account "caloriebrands".
The unhealthy ingredients were also in the past cause for criticism. France's former Environment Minister Ségolène Royal had even called for a boycott of Nutella. "You have to stop eating Nutella," said the politician.
And the criticism of the chocolate spread is constantly getting new food: Now it has been revealed that for the cultivation of the hazelnuts needed, apparently dangerous chemicals are used.
Pesticide banned in Europe
The Italian confectionery manufacturer Ferrero needs huge quantities of hazelnuts for the production of its products Nutella, Hanuta and Co..
According to media reports, these come to large parts from Turkey, the leading exporter of hazelnuts, as well as from Italy. The company also grows hazelnuts in Chile.
As the ARD has now uncovered, a highly toxic pesticide is used in the South American country, which is banned in Europe: paraquat.
Legal use
According to research by the Pesticides Action Network (PAN), the toxic chemical is sprayed on hazel plantations by Ferrero in Chile.
In the contribution of the "Weltspiegel" empty paraquat canisters can be seen on the roadside next to the plantations.
In Chile, the total herbicide may be used legally. In Europe, it has been banned for around ten years. In addition to cancer, health experts can also cause kidney failure and reproductive problems.
The World Mirror, which asked Ferrero for an opinion, received the answer: "Our own Chilean plantations have been using paraquat for years. (...) The contracts concluded between Ferrero and the Chilean suppliers contain a clear obligation not to use paraquat or other plant protection products banned in the EU. "
Glyphosate is also sprayed
However, a former worker of a local plantation has something else to report: "You spray close to the houses. With glyphosate and also paraquat, "says Lazaro Aburto, according to ARD.
"Everything that the agrochemical industry recommends, they use here too." According to the president of the Nussverband this is legal in Chilie, as long as paraquat is no longer detected upon arrival in Europe.
"The exporter Ferrero just has to be careful to comply with the European rules on pesticide residues once the port is reached in Europe," said Nicolas Di Cosme, president of ChileNuts. "They have to worry about that."
Ferrero told the World Mirror that their raw materials are being tested for plant toxins: "All hazelnuts are (...) analyzed for possible contaminants such as paraquat (...). So far, no residues have been found. "
Consequences for the people
And what is the consequence of the use of chemicals for the people of Chile?
"We have many children with major learning disabilities," said Cesar Domarchi, school principal in San Clemente, according to ARD. "We assume that this is related to the pesticides."
According to the information, this assumption is confirmed by scientists. (Ad)