Heavy chocolate in the advent calendar

Stiftung Warentest: Mineral oil in Advent calendar chocolate
Stiftung Warentest warns about contaminated chocolate in Advent calendars. In a recent test were in „24 advent calendars for children Detected residues of mineral oil and similar substances“, so the announcement of the foundation. Some of the proven ingredients are suspected of causing cancer. The Christmas anticipation when opening the door is therefore quite possibly associated with a health risk.
According to Stiftung Warentest, the chocolate of the Advent calendars contained, among other things, aromatic and non-aromatic hydrocarbons, which are probably from the box of the calendars. The recycling paper used for the production usually contains residues of mineral oil-containing printing ink, which can evaporate over time and pass over to the chocolate. This was apparently the case with 24 advent calendars, where in the chocolate of nine calendars, according to the announcement of the Stiftung Warentest „even particularly critical substances, the aromatic mineral oils“, have been detected, some of which are considered to be potentially carcinogenic. Although the intake of a piece of chocolate per day is relatively low, parents should still prefer to use less charged Advent calendars for their children. As an alternative, for example, offers a home-made Advent calendar, which manages with fewer sweets and can be filled with other small surprises.
Nine advent calendars with carcinogenic mineral oil residues
Already in 2009, it was clearly demonstrated that residues of mineral oils from recycled cartons can be transferred to the packaged food. So it seems hardly surprising that also in the chocolate of the advent calendar residues of mineral oil are included. Possible source is not only the recycled paper, but the mineral oil could also come from machine oils of the production chain, reports Stiftung Warentest. It is certain that all tested Advent calendars contained mineral oil residues. The most critically evaluated aromatic hydrocarbons were found in nine chocolate calendars. There „Substances that are suspected of being cancer, nothing to look for in food“ have, the products are the „Brands Rausch, Confiserie Heilemann, Arko, Riegelein The Simpsons, Feodora Whole Milk High Fine Chocolade, Smarties, Hachez Advent Calendar Beautiful Christmas time as well as Friedel advent calendar and Lindt Advent calendar for children“ not recommended, so the conclusion of the Stiftung Warentest. For health reasons, consumers, especially children, should not eat this chocolate.
Increased mineral oil residues in many chocolate advent calendars
In addition to the aromatic hydrocarbons, the non-aromatic mineral oils, according to the Stiftung Warentest in some Advent calendars also a problem. Particularly high levels were detected in the calendars of Arko, Confiserie Heilemann and Rausch. The calendars of Friedel, Reichsgraf / Aldi (North) and the Smurfs Advent Calendar also showed elevated concentrations of non-aromatic hydrocarbons (over 10 milligrams per kilogram). According to the Stiftung Warentest, there is still a lack so far „toxicological studies“, to be able to estimate clearly, „How strong mineral oils endanger humans.“ However, there is evidence that, for example, the short-chain non-aromatic mineral oils accumulate in human tissue. In animal experiments, these mineral oils were also identified as possible triggers for inflammatory symptoms of the liver and correspondingly elevated liver values.
Asked for alternatives to the chocolate calendar
Which calendars were particularly heavily burdened with mineral oil residues and other substances, the Stiftung Warentest summarized in an overview, which also provides a picture of each calendar, so that consumers can orient themselves in the business easier. Since none of the tested products was completely unencumbered, this raises the question of whether the chocolate advent calendar should not be completely abandoned. Without adequate replacement, however, most children are unlikely to agree. A self-made advent calendar, which ideally can be refilled every year, is a worthy alternative here. (Fp)
Picture: Dagmar Zimmermann