Contribution assessment limit is lowered

Contribution assessment limit is lowered / Health News

Contribution assessment limit of health insurance and long-term care insurance is reduced.

(09.09.2010) For the first time after 60 years, it is very likely that from 2011, the income threshold in health insurance and the coupled long-term care insurance will be lowered. This means that, for the first time since the German Government came into existence, there has been a reduction in health insurance and long-term care insurance.

Currently, the income threshold in the health and long-term care insurance is 45,000 euros per year. For 2011, a reduction to 44,550 euros per year is expected. The reduction is clearly related to the global economic crisis. For the ceiling is linked to the development of real wages, which have fallen significantly as a result of the crisis. But whether the contribution ceiling will actually decrease is rather a guess and not yet officially confirmed by the federal government. Also missing are the official numbers.

Is this reduction a relief for employers and employees? First of all, no, because the new figures are calculated by linking the income threshold to the real wage development. And because real wages have fallen due to the crisis, the reduction in the calculation example does not represent any relief but only an adjustment.

The contribution assessment limit is a statutory social security dependent income limit. Contributions to the health and long-term care insurance are therefore calculated only below this limit. All contributions above are free of charge. (Sb)

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