Back pain helps exercise

Back pain helps exercise / Health News

In back pain and joint problems also helps movement

(06.08.2010) People with back pain or joint problems tend to avoid physical activity. In the opinion of the Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG), the avoidance of movements is by no means the adequate method for dealing with the complaints. On the contrary, a properly applied exercise training can relieve the discomfort. Because often the symptoms arise only through lack of exercise.

Numerous studies have already shown that exercise and active exercise can relieve chronic back pain. One-third of sufferers have even helped with regular exercise training to prevent pain relapses. However, it is important to do sports or active movement units regularly. Otherwise, the desired effect remains off. "Physical exercise should therefore become an integral part of everyday life," says the Institute's Council.

However, it depends on the right type of movement, because not every sport is suitable as a therapeutic measure. With pronounced joint damage such as osteoarthritis, for example, no sports are recommended in which the joints are often rotated, stretched and heavily loaded. Also in acute diseases such as pneumonia sports is also not advisable.

It therefore makes sense to seek out a meaningful sport with the attending physician or therapist. There is not even much effort to be done. Regular, brisk walking or walking is already sufficient for many people to get the circulation and joints going again. Because who does not train his body, has medium and long-term complaints again and again. Also read: Back pain exercises. (Sb)