Nightly pondering about the job helps distraction

Nightly pondering about the job helps distraction / Health News
Nocturnal pondering about the work - distraction can help
If you can not sleep properly at night because of thoughts about work, it makes no sense to roll back and forth in bed. The brooding over the forgotten mail, the important appointment or the big order will not be less. It only helps distraction.

Nocturnal reflection on the work
Sleep disorders due to stressful work are widespread. Many a person is wide awake in bed, although it is not even four o'clock in the morning. Instead of sleeping peacefully, thoughts are in the middle of the night at work. Then you ponder the seemingly endless to-do list or the project that just can not be done. According to Prof. Tim Hagemann, it makes no sense in such a situation to roll back and forth in bed. Often this only leads to frustration, explained the occupational psychologist at the University of Applied Sciences Diakonie in Bielefeld in a message from the news agency dpa.

The thoughts of the problems at work rob many people at night sleep. (Image:

Distraction helps
According to the expert, it may then be a way to distract yourself and hear, for example, radio plays or radio. This one gets to other thoughts, in the best case, you fall asleep again. Another option could be to get up, have a cup of tea and read a few pages in the kitchen. Often, after half an hour you realize how tired you are and can lie down again. Others can sometimes help to write down the nocturnal thoughts. Because then they have disappeared from the head, and it is easier to fall asleep again. Even some home remedies for sleep disorders work quite well. Many health experts recommend relaxation exercises for stress relief such as autogenic training. As a result, hours of watchfulness can often be avoided. (Ad)