In case of bullying suspicion quickly counteract

In case of bullying suspicion quickly counteract / Health News

Become involved in mobbing as early as possible


If employees are marginalized, this can be a huge burden. Affected then usually feel at work no longer comfortable and often their performance suffers. Therefore, they should fight against mobbing as early as possible.

Mobbers think that victims shut up
In the beginning, it's often just whispering, but then verbal attacks usually occur: if employees feel they are being bullied, they should take action quickly. Juliane Dreisbach, a psychologist from Freudenberg near Cologne, told a news agency dpa that bullies usually assume that the victims shut up. It is always dangerous to let the situation go first. It is therefore very effective to go quickly to the colleague and to address his behavior. This sends a stop signal and in the best case he then already sets his behavior. In addition, it gives the mucked a good feeling, because he does not let himself be pushed into the victim role, but becomes active.

Looking for allies
In addition, employees should see who they have as potential allies in the department. Then you can talk to colleagues and ask questions like „What happened??“ or „Imagine that, or is it really targeted against me?“ speak. You can get some distance on this path and above all you have the feeling that you are not alone. Those affected who feel uncomfortable for a long time should definitely seek help, for example from the works council. Those who are marginalized for longer may become ill as well.

Bullying harms your health
Anyone who does not get up in the morning, goes to work with a headache or abdominal pain, can tell that something is wrong. But bullying has more health effects. So sufferers often complain of inner restlessness and sleep disorders. Depression and an overall higher susceptibility to disease can be the result. The effects can be felt for decades. Researchers from the US and UK have reported that people who were bullied as children or adolescents showed signs of chronic inflammation in their bodies during adulthood. (Ad)

> Image: RS