In case of possible iron deficiency urgently to the doctor

In case of possible iron deficiency urgently to the doctor / Health News

Signs of iron deficiency should be checked by a doctor


Iron deficiency can be due to very serious causes and should therefore be urgently examined by a doctor. The Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL) strongly advises against self-therapy with iron supplements. In the worst case, this could lead to significant health impairments.

According to the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) about ten percent of women in Germany and three percent of men show iron deficiency. Those affected have complaints such as changes in the appearance of the skin, brittle hair and nails, chronic fatigue, torn corners of the mouth (angular cheilitis) and dizziness. Sometimes iron deficiency causes anemia, as iron plays an important role in blood formation. This so-called iron deficiency anemia is characterized by a low oxygen transport capacity of the blood and a corresponding lack of oxygen in the organism. Possible consequences are headache, blurred vision, tinnitus, short-term unconsciousness, nausea and vomiting.

No self-therapy with iron supplements
Anyone with typical signs of iron deficiency should consult a doctor as soon as possible, according to the BVL, in order to determine the causes of the symptoms. Thereafter, a therapy with iron preparations may be appropriate. However, the experts strongly advise against self-treatment with iron supplements. „Excessive iron intake can have significant health consequences“, quotes the news agency „dpa“ the statement of the BVL expert Evelyn Breitweg-Lehmann. Thus, an iron surplus can not only cause symptoms such as stomach ache, but is also associated with an increased risk of cancer especially for colon cancer. By accurately determining the iron blood levels before taking the iron supplements, health risks can be avoided.

Vitamin C helps with iron utilization
Overall, according to the BVL, the population in Germany is relatively well supplied with iron. As a rule, enough iron is absorbed through the diet. Here, especially meat and nuts are known as good iron suppliers. Excessive intake of iron via the food is normally not to be feared, according to the BVL expert. In the meat, the contained iron-II is particularly easy to use for the organism and therefore offers a good iron supply. However, the present in vegetables, for example, iron III can only be taken with more difficulty, but a simple trick helps. A little vitamin C to eat „makes Iron III Iron II“, so Breitweg-Lehmann. A glass of orange juice to vegetable dishes, lemon in salad dressing or paprika in the salad are therefore recommended at this point.

Have iron values ​​checked by a doctor
Overall, women are more frequently affected by iron deficiency than men. In particular, in younger women, more severe menstrual bleeding may result in an increased need for iron or possibly a corresponding iron deficiency. Young women who also eat very little meat are therefore recommended by the BVL expert to have their iron values ​​checked at least once a year by a doctor. Whether the intake of iron preparations is appropriate, can be decided subsequently. The prophylactic intake of iron-containing supplements is, however, according to the experts, not recommended, especially if previously no doctor was consulted. Before special iron supplements find applications, in the naturopathy usually proven home remedies for iron deficiency are resorted to. (Fp)