In case of lactose intolerance suspected fast to the doctor

In case of lactose intolerance suspected fast to the doctor / Health News

New test for lactose intolerance


If you suffer from stomach cramps after eating, it does not always have to be an indication of lactose intolerance. Experts advise not to swallow medications in such cases, but to have the cause clarified by the doctor. A hydrogen breath test could show if the person can tolerate milk sugar.

Tablets only useful if lactose intolerance is diagnosed
People who constantly suffer from grubby stomach after eating and suspect a lactose intolerance (lactose intolerance), should have this suspicion clarified by a doctor. As Silke Restemeyer from the German Society for Nutrition (DGE) said, it is not advisable to swallow pills on their own initiative or to dispense with dairy products. Although it is not harmful to ingest lactose tablets that take over the lactose, it is only useful for people with diagnosed lactose intolerance. In addition, it is also not recommended, as a precaution, to completely dispense with dairy products. „One should not restrict his diet unnecessarily“, so Restemeyer. Because this causes the body to lose an important calcium source.

Lactose intolerance is nothing unnatural
In the case of lactose intolerance, the milk sugar in the intestine is not properly broken down, since the lactose enzyme responsible is completely absent or present only in small quantities. Instead, the lactose is split by bacteria, which can lead to abdominal pain, flatulence, diarrhea, nausea and stomach cramps. Basically, the lactose intolerance is nothing unnatural, but very common worldwide. According to estimates, up to 90 percent of Asians are affected. In total, about 75 percent of the world's population is affected by this special form of food intolerance. In this country, it is up to 20 percent who suffer from it.

Hydrogen breath test shows lactose intolerance
A physician can use a Hydrogen Breath Test, where patients drink milk-sugar dissolved in water under supervision, to see if anyone is lactose-intolerant. If the amount of hydrogen measured in the breath is too high, this indicates lactose intolerance. But those affected do not always have to do without milk and dairy products. For example, hard cheeses or sliced ​​cheeses could be eaten, as these have been ripened for a long time and the longer the ripening process lasts, the less lactose the cheese contains. The milk sugar is gradually converted into lactic acid during maturation. According to experts, also sour milk products that have not been heat treated, such as yogurt, kefir and probiotic products, are generally better tolerated. Normally, solid dairy products are better tolerated than liquid ones.

Soy or grain milk as alternatives
But there are also many alternatives to animal milk. So many who are affected by lactose intolerance fall back on soymilk. This is not only drunk in coffee or pure, but also processed into whipped cream or yogurt. Other non-animal options are coconut or almond milk, which are used primarily for sweets. Milk is also produced from cereals such as oats, rye, rice or spelled. However, experts warn against feeding babies and toddlers with grain milk because it contains too little calcium, high-quality proteins and certain vitamins. In children, it could therefore come to deficiency symptoms. (Sb)

Picture: Sigrid Rossmann