For every third, the cholesterol is too high

For every third, the cholesterol is too high / Health News

Day of cholesterol: Day of action against increased blood lipid levels and secondary diseases


Every third person in Germany suffers from elevated cholesterol levels. The shares the German Society for the control of lipid metabolism disorders and their sequelae on the occasion of today „Day of cholesterol“ With. The day of action should draw attention to the serious health consequences of elevated blood lipid levels. In addition, experts explain what belongs to a cholesterol-conscious lifestyle.

Elevated blood cholesterol can lead to atherosclerosis
„In the knowledge is the chance to counteract possible diseases early on, "said the German Society for the control of lipid metabolism disorders and their sequelae (DGFF - Lipid League eV) „Day of cholesterol“ inform experts around the topic „elevated blood lipid levels“. In Germany, about every third person suffers from high cholesterol levels. The consequences of this mostly diet-related lipid metabolism disorder can be serious. According to the Federal Statistical Office, almost every second death is attributable to cardiovascular diseases. In 2011, 145,500 men and 196,000 women (40.2 percent of the deaths) died due to cardiovascular disease.

The most common consequence of elevated cholesterol is atherosclerosis, colloquially referred to as vascular calcification. In this disease, deposits on the insides of the vessels occur, gradually reducing the diameter of the arteries until the affected area is eventually completely blocked. Probably the smallest injuries to the inner wall of the vessel trigger a defense reaction of the immune system, in which certain biochemical processes are initiated and blood lipids, blood cells, connective tissue and lime are deposited as so-called plaques. This can lead to diseases such as coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, stroke, angina pectoris, circulatory disorders and renal insufficiency.

Major risk factors for atherosclerosis include elevated cholesterol levels and high levels of triglyceride in the blood. In addition, smoking, hypertension, diabetes, obesity with a high belly fat percentage and lack of exercise favor the emergence of as well „Prosperity disease“ designated atherosclerosis.

Good and bad cholesterol
The DGFF - Lipid-Liga sees the educational work as one of its main tasks. „About 60 percent of adults do not know their (LDL) cholesterol levels, about 30 percent have elevated levels - as measured by previous action days“, inform the experts. They want to encourage people to check their cholesterol levels on a regular basis and counteract the lipid metabolism disorder with a balanced diet and plenty of exercise. Often a healthier lifestyle already brings a reduction in elevated blood lipid levels, writes the DGFF - Lipid League in their guide „Better cholesterol even without medication“.

If the concentration of cholesterol in the blood is increased, the affected person does not notice for a long time. The symptoms usually appear only when already a serious illness is present. To prevent serious health problems, the DGFF - Lipid-Liga advises to have blood lipid levels determined as early as the age of ten. From the age of 35, such a check-up would be free of charge every two years. As the experts report, it is important not only to determine the total cholesterol, but to perform accurate analysis of LDL and HDL cholesterol and triglycerides. A quick test at your own expense can also be done in the pharmacy.

As the experts explain, LDL cholesterol transports cholesterol from the liver and intestine into the body's cells. If there is an excessive increase in the concentration of LDL cholesterol in the blood, other risk factors could lead to vascular deposits, which are considered to be the main cause of heart attack and stroke. „Therefore, one speaks of the 'bad' LDL cholesterol („slovenly“). The LDL cholesterol level in the blood should be as low as possible.“ The opposite is true with the „good“ Cholesterol, the HDL cholesterol. „The 'good' HDL cholesterol („I love you“), on the other hand, absorbs excess cholesterol from the body's cells and blood and returns it to the liver. HDL can also dissolve cholesterol already bound to the vessel walls“, reports the DGFF - Lipid League. Thus, a high HDL cholesterol value has a favorable effect.

In diet reduce fat and only „quality“ Eat fats
Although the importance of dietary cholesterol is overestimated with regard to elevated cholesterol, it is advisable not to consume more than 60 grams of fat per day, say the experts. The food cholesterol should be consumed less than 300 milligrams per day.

However, more important than the quantity is the quality of the fats, which have a significant influence on the LDL cholesterol. The DGFF - Lipid-Liga advises to two fish meals a week. Salmon, plaice and herring in particular contained many omega 3 fatty acids. These would be that „quality“ Increase HDL cholesterol. Also native olive or rapeseed oil has a positive effect. So-called saturated fats such as fast foods should not account for more than ten percent or more than seven percent for elevated LDL cholesterol levels. Also ready meals, confectionery and instant soups should only be consumed in very small amounts, as up to 30 percent of their stated fat content consists of so-called trans-fats (hardened fats) and contribute to increasing the bad and lowering the good cholesterol.

In addition to a healthy diet, exercise has a positive effect on cholesterol levels. A normal person should implement physical activity by 300 calories per movement unit. „Whoever does this five times a week burns 1,500 additional calories“, the experts report. Both LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels would be lowered and HDL cholesterol increased. (Ag)

Picture: Gerd Altmann, Pixelio