In case of wrong care level quickly contradict

In case of wrong care level quickly contradict / Health News

Classification of the care level can be contradicted


If you need help with everyday things due to illness or disability, you can apply for a so-called care level and the associated services such as personal hygiene or home care. The classification into one of the three possible levels is carried out by the Medical Service of the Health Insurance Funds (MDK). However, if the report does not meet the expectations of the person concerned, an objection should be filed as soon as possible, because then a second report will be prepared.

Classification is carried out by the Medical Service of the health insurance companies
If persons are dependent on help in their everyday life due to physical, mental or emotional illness or disability, a level of care may be applied for, which, depending on the level (I, II or III), includes different levels of benefits. Depending on the need, those in need of care are assigned one of the three levels by the Medical Service of the Health Insurance Funds (MDK) - which is often not to the satisfaction of those affected.

Opinions do not tacitly accept
But the report does not have to be accepted tacitly, instead there is the possibility to appeal. However, on the advice of Heike Nordmann, the managing director of the Kuratorium Deutsche Altershilfe (KDA), this was to take place within four weeks, because then the MDK would conduct a second home visit to have another reviewer carry out a new classification according to the expert to the news agency „dpa“.

If opposition does not succeed, a claim can be filed with the social court
The Verbraucherzentrale NRW advises people in need of care and relatives to contradict themselves if they disagree with the classification by the MDK, but instead see higher nursing and domestic needs. At the same time, those affected should take care to keep all medical documents and, if possible, also a nursing diary with detailed information about the daily activities available at the second home visit so that the new assessor can get a comprehensive picture of the situation. If the opposition does not succeed, those affected can submit their complaint to the Social Court in the next step - here, the Consumer Advice Center advises that it be checked in advance by a lawyer whether legal aid can be granted. (No)

Picture: Lupo