For colds What helps against annoying sore throat

For colds What helps against annoying sore throat / Health News

Sore throat: Some tips against the painful scratching in the throat

In the fall and winter months, catching a cold is not uncommon. The disease is usually associated with a sore throat. The scratching in the throat can also be a symptom of a serious illness. Health experts explain what patients can do to help.

For prolonged sore throat to the doctor

Fall and winter are also the time for a sore throat. For millions affected they are part of everyday life. "Sore throat is usually the harmless companion of a cold. But they can also be a symptom of a more serious illness, "explains Dr. Ursula Marschall, chief physician of the Barmer in a communication. "If a sore throat lasts longer than a week, a visit to the doctor is advisable," recommends the expert. Thus, it can be quickly clarified whether, instead of a supposedly simple cold, an overload of the voice, an almond or laryngitis could come into question. Also, thyroid disease or infectious diseases could cause the pain in the throat.

A cold is usually associated with a sore throat. Not only medicines, but also various natural home remedies help against the symptoms. (Image: RFBSIP /

Soothing tips against swallowing

According to Marshal, sore throats and the associated difficulty in swallowing can be combated well with drugs that are freely available in the pharmacy.

Lozenges and solutions for gargling contained different active ingredients, which, however, often did not causally combat the inflammation underlying the pain.

Many health experts advise anyway to try it first in a flu infection with naturopathy.

Sage, chamomile and eucalyptus are known as home remedies for colds.

The expert of the health insurance also refers to the natural means: "Experience shows that cold-related sore throats can be relieved well with home remedies. For example, gargle with warm salted water, drink chamomile or sage tea. Drinking a lot is very important anyway, "says Marschall.

Most infections heal by themselves: As a rule, colds reach their climax after two or three days, after about a week the worst should be over.

Those affected are best left warm in bed or on the sofa and drink two to three liters of water or herbal tea a day.

Strengthen the immune system: fresh air and warm clothing

The best protection against an infection is a good, resilient immune system. To strengthen your own defenses, it is advisable to take care of a healthy, vitamin-rich diet, sufficient exercise and enough sleep.

In addition, you should dress warmly in the cold, since freezing weakens the immune system. Also sauna sessions and changing showers can help to strengthen the immune system.

The mucous membranes only provide protection against infection, as long as they do not dry out. Therefore, the viruses in dry heating air easily play.

That is why there is always a need for regular ventilation at home and at work. Humidifiers can also help to prevent the mucous membranes from drying out. (Ad)