When gardening more often change posture

When gardening more often change posture / Health News

Regularly vary the posture during gardening


Especially when gardening should be paid to a changing posture. In contrast, a particularly straight back often leads to cramps and back pain. Proper posture relieves the back not only in gardening. Professor Ingo Froböse from the Center for Health of the German Sport University Cologne recommends all amateur gardeners to take small breaks at work in the countryside. Also stretching and loosening exercises should be performed in the breaks. The back is thereby relieved.

Bad postures should also be avoided in everyday life
Just posture and the effort for a straight back, can be counterproductive and quickly lead to back pain. However, if you change the gardening at specific time intervals, this is a natural workout for a strong back, according to the health expert. A sore muscle should be considered as a positive signal. He is a sign that the muscles get used to the strain.

Proper posture relieves the back
Gardening often involves transporting heavy loads such as flowerpots or bags of soil. Here, the load should be lifted more from the legs that are shoulder width on the floor. The weight should also be transported close to the body. When weeding weeds it is advisable to put a pillow under your knees. One leg should be placed at a 90 degree angle, gives Froböse as a tip.

Incidentally, gardening, with proper body work is one of the healthy activities. If you try for 30 minutes in the open air in the countryside, about 200 kilocalories are burned, which consumes about half an hour of energy equivalent to gymnastics, dancing or table tennis. (Fr)

Picture credits: Peter Freitag