Treatment error clinic pays pain compensation

Treatment error hospital must pay 50,000 pain and pay
The judgment is not yet final. For the judge it is considered proven that the treatment error is responsible for the death. The physicians had realized too late that there was a tribal infarction, as a result of which the patient suffered from severe paralysis and finally died.
The patient had been hospitalized several times since 2002 for heart disease. Among them was the Dorsten Hospital. In 2005, the patient was taken unconscious with a half-sided paralysis.
That same day, the woman was subjected to computed tomography. However, without a neurologist as a specialist. The latter could have immediately recognized the brain stem infarction and could have promptly dealt with the 12-hour window that was still open at that time, the judge said in his verdict. The health consequences of the patient are therefore attributable to the defendant.
The hospital of the city Dorsten was not able to prove that the patient would have suffered the same impairments even with timely and correct treatment, the judge said. Last week a similar verdict was published. A gynecologist from Dorsten had been sentenced to pay 20,000 euros because he had not advised a patient to a mammogram, a little later, the woman was suffering from breast cancer. (Fr)