Impaired brain development by BPA

Impaired brain development by BPA / Health News

Bisphenol A influences brain development


Again, a study by US scientists has noted the negative effect of the plastic base bisphenol A (BPA) on brain development. Like the news agency „dpa“ The researchers around the psychologist Frances Champagne from Columbia University in New York reported to mice that BPA has a lasting effect on the brain development of the animals. Their results have the scientists in the trade magazine „Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences“ (PNAS).

Bisphenol A is present as a so-called plasticizer in numerous plastics, but also dental fillings and receipts show in some cases considerable BPA concentrations. For a long time it has been discussed about the possible health problems caused by the increased intake of BPA. The study of US scientists has now shown that the unborn life is massively influenced by the plasticizer. When pregnant mice ingested BPA, their offspring showed changes in brain development, which were also reflected in the behavior of the animals. Even small doses of the plasticizer unfolded a clear effect.

Already low BPA dosages with a lasting effect
As part of their study, the US researchers administered to the pregnant mice daily amounts between two and 200 micrograms BPA per kilogram of body weight of the animals. The safe daily limit value in Europe is a dose of 50 micrograms. But even at lower doses, the offspring of the contaminated animals already showed significant behavioral changes, the scientists report. Thus, the male offspring of the BPA-loaded mice had been significantly more adventurous or daring than in unloaded animals. The female offspring, however, had shown by the mothers contact with the plasticizer a more anxious behavior than usual.

BPA causes changes in estrogen receptors
The behavioral changes of juveniles have already occurred at supposedly safe doses, the scientists report. They attribute this, at least in part, to the effects of the plasticizer on the estrogen receptors in various brain areas. Thus, the BPA affect the receptors in the cortex of males and in the hypothalamus of females, explained Champagne and colleagues. In their opinion, BPA acts on the enzyme DNMT (DNA methyltransferase), which is used for gene regulation. The already such low dosages can have such a far-reaching effect on the brain, the experts of the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) is also thoughtful and so told Detlef Wölfle BfR told the news agency „dpa“, one is „amazed at these effects of low dosages.“ However, it is still unclear to what extent the current results can be transferred to humans. (Fp)

Also read about BPA:
Hormone-like plasticizers in the food
Dangerous plasticizers in food
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BUND: Increased plasticizer load in day nurseries
Bisphenol-A causes infertility in women
Environmentalists: BPA ban completely inadequate
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Picture credits: Mo Freiknecht