Dreadful increase Already over 41,000 measles cases in the first half of the year

Measles epidemic in Europe - Already 37 deaths
Over 41,000 children and adults in Europe contracted measles in the first six months of 2018. This is evident from a report by the World Health Organization WHO. Thus, the half-year figures would already be twice as high as the year-round figures of the past years. Already 37 people died from the consequences of the infectious disease.
"After the low number of measles cases in 2016, we are experiencing a dramatic increase in infections with extensive outbreaks," says Dr. Zsuzsanna Jakab, WHO Regional Director for Europe, commenting on the infection. The cases were exceptionally high in the first half of 2018. In 2017, according to the WHO, there were only 23,927 measles cases in the whole year compared to only 5,273 in 2016.

WHO demands a quick action
"We urge all countries to take immediate and comprehensive action to stop the spread of this disease," the Regional Director said. Good health for everyone starts with the vaccine.
Seven countries were hit particularly hard
In seven European countries, measles raged particularly hard, including France, Georgia, Greece, Italy, Russia, Serbia and the Ukraine. Here, more than 1,000 infections were reported per country, according to the WHO report. The situation is particularly volatile in Ukraine - with 23,000 reported cases, the country accounts for more than half of all illnesses. Most deaths occurred with 14 victims in Serbia.
Low vaccination rates in Europe
The European Regionale Verification Commission for Measles and Rubella (RVC) recently published an assessment of the endemic spread of measles. The RVC criticizes inadequate measles monitoring in some European countries. Furthermore, the vaccination rate is partly low.
Setbacks in measles control
"This partial setback shows that any person who is not immune is vulnerable," commented Dr. Nedret Emiroglu, Director of the Health Emergencies Department at the WHO Regional Office for Europe. Every country must press for increased vaccine coverage and immunological gaps.
Measles are exceptionally contagious
"Measles virus is exceptionally contagious and easily spreads to susceptible individuals," commented WHO experts. To avoid outbreaks, a 95 percent vaccination coverage is needed in each community. According to WHO, there are big differences across Europe in terms of vaccination coverage. While in some regions the 95 percent rate was reached, other regions did not even reach 70 percent.
Some regions are still very vulnerable
"We have to celebrate our achievements without losing sight of those who are still vulnerable," Dr. Jakab. Some regions would urgently require continued WHO attention.
Measles can be stopped
"We can stop this deadly disease," says Jakab. But this can only succeed if everyone contributes his part. His child and vaccinating himself and reminding others of the vaccine could help save lives. (Vb)