Strengthen the pelvic floor when climbing stairs

Strengthen the pelvic floor when climbing stairs / Health News

Simple exercises can be unnoticed in everyday life


Mostly it happens unintentionally when laughing, coughing or jerky movements: uncontrolled goes more or less urine. Many sufferers are ashamed, do not even tell their partner about this supposed weakness or dare to be afraid of one „mishap“ no longer out of the house. Yet they are by no means alone. In Germany alone, an estimated 5 million people suffer from mild to severe urinary incontinence. Especially women are affected. However, the problem can usually be treated well or countered effectively with simple exercises.

„Urinary incontinence often occurs after pregnancy or with advancing age“, reports Michael Stephan-Odenthal, urologist and managing director of the medical network Uro-GmbH. Often, however, we also find a connection with obesity or heavy physical labor.“ In order to find out what causes the unwanted loss of urine, urologists first carry out a basic examination of the urinary tract by means of physical examination, urinalysis and ultrasound examination. A so-called urodynamic measurement provides important information on the pressure conditions in the urinary bladder and the closing pressure of the urethral sphincter. After the exact diagnosis, urologists then initiate targeted therapeutic measures. It is important to distinguish between the different forms of urinary incontinence. Here are drug therapies for the treatment of possible infections or over-activity of the bladder as well as Botox injections into the bladder wall.

In addition, targeted pelvic floor training contributes to curb complaints or prevent them in advance. Often, small exercises are sufficient, which can be carried out discretely by the way, in order to strengthen the middle of the body. For example: briefly interrupt the urine stream while using the toilet. Because this is exactly where the sphincter of the urethra and the pelvic floor muscles are used. Tense up, hold on briefly, relax - as often as possible during the day. Anyone who loses control of their urge to urinate despite regular training should, despite all the shame, not shy away from visiting a urologist. „Incontinence is not an unalterable fate but can almost always be successfully treated“, emphasizes Stephan-Odenthal. (Pm)

Picture: Peter Friday