Barmer GEK denies additional contribution

Barmer GEK denies additional contribution / Health News

The health insurance denies reports, according to which the health insurance plans in 2011 to make additional contributions. On the contrary: Barmer would be financially well positioned. Do not want to exclude future contribution increases, however.

The statutory health insurance Barmer GEK denied media reports, according to which they want to raise additional contributions from their members in the coming year. Supplementary contributions would not currently be considered as a measure. However, one does not want to rule out the principle of introducing additional contributions. A spokesman for the health insurance pointed out that all statutory health insurance in the future would have to think about additional contributions or contribution increases, if the deficits in the health fund and expenditure of the funds continue to increase. The policy is required to decide on effective savings in health care.

"Roll forward, roll backwards" could also be described as acting the Barmen. It would indeed be generally flat-rate additional contributions for wrong, so a spokesman for the Barmer on Wednesday, in principle, one could exclude these, however, not. Earlier this week, Barmer board member Birgit Fischer told the Südwestfunk that Barmer GEK would have to claim an additional contribution from its members in the coming year if the planned savings did not work. Fischer demanded in the interview that the federal government should decide to increase the general contribution rate of all statutory health insurance.

Barmer GEK has become by the merger with the Barmer Ersatzkasse and the Gmünder Ersatzkasse to a grown health insurance. A total of 8.5 million people are insured at the cash register. Thus, the health insurance is the largest in the Republic. In the first quarter Barmer registered a strong increase of new members. It is believed that many have changed to Bamer, because so far there are no additional contributions levied. (Sb)

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