High-fiber diet protects against premature death and chronic diseases

High-fiber diet protects against premature death and chronic diseases / Health News

Why people should eat more fiber

Physicians have now discovered that a high-fiber diet is associated with a lower risk of premature death and diseases such as stroke or cancer in people.

Researchers at the University of Otago have found in their current research that high-fiber diets have a lower risk of premature death and chronic illness. The experts published the results of their study in the English-language journal "The Lancet".

A healthy diet with lots of fiber-rich foods brings digestion up to speed and protects against disease and premature death. (Image: PhotoSG / fotolia.com)

Benefits of taking fiber

Dietary fiber includes vegetable carbohydrates such as whole grains, seeds and some legumes. The health benefits of fiber have been known for a long time. Research shows that a higher fiber intake leads to a reduced incidence of a surprisingly wide range of relevant diseases (heart disease, type 2 diabetes and colorectal cancer), say the doctors. In addition, intake of fiber causes reduced body weight, reduced cholesterol and lower mortality, said study author Andrew Reynolds of the University of Otago in New Zealand. Similar findings were seen with increasing whole grain intake.

Over 200 study results were evaluated

The researchers analyzed more than 180 observational studies and 50 clinical studies from the past four decades. The health benefits of fiber appear to be even greater than previously thought, the experts explain. The analysis showed a 15 to 30 percent lower risk of premature death and chronic disease in people who took the most fiber with their diet compared to those with the lowest intake.

How much fiber should people eat daily??

A high-fiber diet was associated, on average, with a 22 percent reduction in stroke risk, a 16 percent lower risk of type 2 diabetes and colon cancer, and a 30 percent reduction in the risk of coronary heart disease. Most people consume about 20 grams of fiber daily. Based on the research results, the experts recommend daily 25 grams to 29 grams of fiber to take. Higher amounts are even more advantageous according to the analysis.

Risks due to too much fiber?

An increase in daily intake of 15 grams of whole grains was associated with a two to 19 percent reduction in overall deaths and incidence of coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes and colorectal cancer. The investigation revealed no health hazards due to high fiber intake. However, a high proportion of whole-wheat products in the diet of people with iron deficiency could further reduce the iron content.

There were limitations in the study?

The study also showed a small risk reduction in stroke and type 2 diabetes in people who are on a diet with a low glycemic index. Such a diet includes, for example, foods such as green vegetables, most fruits and kidney beans. A limitation of the analysis is that only healthy individuals were involved in the studies. The results are therefore not valid for people with chronic diseases. Most studies were conducted in Western societies. It is not 100 percent sure that the results will apply to less privileged societies, say the scientists.

How can I integrate more fiber into my diet?

Any increase in fiber has health benefits and only minor dietary changes are needed to achieve health benefits. For example, a person could easily add eight grams of fiber to their diet when eating a breakfast of bran flakes, four dried apricots, and a handful of almonds, experts suggest. Practical ways to increase fiber intake include increased intake of whole grains, vegetables, legumes, and whole fruits. (As)