Valerian and L-tryptophan alleviate sleep disorders

Valerian and L-tryptophan alleviate sleep disorders / Health News

Valerian and L-tryptophan - two "brain-active" approaches to sleep disorders

Sleep problems today are a growing and serious problem that can affect any age group. Chemical sleeping pills can make you dependent and cause a "hangover" during the day. In the following, two naturopathic approaches will be presented, which pursue the same goal with different active ingredients: To bring about a naturally restful night sleep through a balanced brain metabolism.


  • Valerian and L-tryptophan - two "brain-active" approaches to sleep disorders
  • Sleep disorders can lead to severe mental impairment
  • Plant substance with regulating effect
  • Amino acid as a building block for serotonin formation

Sleep disorders can lead to severe mental impairment

Sleep disorders can have known causes, but often the symptoms for those affected are incomprehensible. While young people are more likely to complain about difficulty falling asleep, older people wake up in the middle of the night and then find little or no sleep. Whether it is impaired sleep or staying asleep, persistent problems can lead to decreased performance, irritability and nervousness and even severe fatigue, anxiety and depression.

Plant substance with regulating effect

In naturopathic practice, therapists often work against insomnia with herbal ingredients, which include: Have influence on the brain metabolism. The clinical effect of valerian (Valeriana officinalis) has been proven in numerous studies with adults and schoolchildren, was able to stand out clearly from the placebo and assert against the (side) effect of chemical sleeping pills. The Committee of Research Natural Medicine e.V., on whose website the study results are documented, reports, among other things, a discovery in relation to the sleep-inducing active principle of valerian root. Apparently, the plant contains a hydrophilic lignan, which binds in the brain to the so-called adenosine-1 receptor, which is known as the most important element in the control of the awake sleep rhythm. The only disadvantage compared to the synthetic sleep aids is the forerun of a few days until the effect of the valerian is fully developed.

Valerian contains important active ingredients for naturopathy. (Image: petrabarz / fotolia)

Amino acid as a building block for serotonin formation

Less well secured is the effect of L-tryptophan. The amino acid is involved in the formation of cerebral serotonin, which is known in particular as an anti-stress hormone, sex hormone, feel-good hormone, eating hormone and sleep hormone. In addition, serotonin is involved in the work of other hormones. As serotonin is consumed faster than it is built up by a hectic, modern lifestyle, it leads to deficiency symptoms, which can also manifest in sleep disorders.

L-Tryptophan is contained in vegetable food and is offered in different dosage form. In isolated form, the active ingredient is prescribed as tablets or can be taken daily in the form of raw, dried and ground vital food. Because L-Tryptophan competes with other dietary proteins, it should be taken half an hour in the morning and with a follow-up dietary delay. (Dipl.Päd. Jeanette Viñals Stein, non-medical practitioner)