Bacteria and Pesticides This avocado bug almost always happens

Why avocados should be washed
Just a few years ago, many people knew avocados only from holidays in distant lands. But today, the popular fruits are also found in almost every German supermarket. Avocados are generally very healthy, but the wrong handling of the superfood can also be a disease risk.
Delicious and healthy fruits
Avocados have been growing in popularity for a long time. The high-fat fruit is used pure on the bread, as a main ingredient for guacamole or in smoothie. Fresh avocados are not only delicious but also very healthy. In addition to the healthy vegetable fats, the fruit contains numerous vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals. According to research, avocados can help lower cholesterol and are good for blood formation. In addition to the health benefits but also threatens dangers - at least if handled incorrectly with the fruits.

Banish health risk
While most people are aware that fruit and vegetables must always be thoroughly washed, avocados are few and far between. This makes the supposed superfood quickly a health risk.
As experts at the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (USA) explain on their website, avocados must always be washed before preparation.
It is best to clean the fruits with cold or lukewarm water and scrub them lightly. Because on the hubby shell of the fruit bumble bacteria and pesticides, which can reach when cutting with a knife in the pulp.
Also the hand washing after the preparation must not be forgotten. This helps prevent the transmission of harmful substances and discourages health risks. (Ad)