Bacteria detection Stop recording at Tübingen premature baby station

After a colonization of bacteria of the genus Enterobacter aerogenes was found in several children in the preemie ward at the University Hospital Tübingen, the hospital has imposed a stop recording and introduced further measures to prevent the spread of the pathogens.
"Several premature babies have been colonized with a bacterium since mid-August; an infection is already completely healed, "reports the Tübingen University Hospital. Fast and prudent action was required after the proof of the pathogens. In close cooperation with the Public Health Department, various measures had been taken, including the temporary cessation of admission to neonatology at the University Hospital Tübingen.

Several bacteria have been detected since mid-August
Hygiene plays an important role in a sensitive area such as neonatology, and proven hygiene standards have been established for years at the University Hospital in Tübingen, according to the Uniklinik. However, a spread of bacteria can never be completely ruled out. Thus, since mid-August in routine and close-meshed controls in several premature infants in neonatology colonies with the bacterium Enterobacter aerogenes have been found.
Infection risk by Enterobacter aerogenes
Basically, all people, even the smallest children, numerous bacteria on the skin or in the intestine, without these are harmful to health, explains the Tübingen University Hospital. Here is spoken of a settlement. Occasionally every bacterium can lead to an infection and thus cause a disease. This risk is greater in some bacteria than in others. For the bacterium Enterobacter aerogenes, which was found in the Tübingen neonatology in several children, according to the University Hospital applies that this leads to infection in very small preterm infants more often than other bacteria.
Stop recording, quarantine and parenting
One of the populated children in Tübingen suffered an infection with Enterobacter aerogenes, but the affected premature baby had fully recovered after a few days, according to the University Hospital. Already on Thursday last week intensive precautionary measures were initiated in close coordination with the health department, which should prevent a further spreading of the bacterium. For example, "pregnant women with premature birth aspirations" are currently not admitted to Tübingen, and neonatology was initially restricted to one week. "The children who were colonized with the bacterium were spatially separated from the non-colonized children" and "the affected parents were trained in special hygiene measures for current reasons," reports the University Hospital.
Although four deaths occurred in the past few weeks at the preterm birth ward in Tübingen and in two of these children, the bacterium Enterobacter aerogenes was detected in smears, but according to the hospital, her death was not associated with an infection. The four children were "complications of their extreme preterm birth, that is, on the border of viability or severe malformations died." (Fp)