Bacteria can help diagnose pancreatic cancer

Bacteria can help diagnose pancreatic cancer / Health News
Certain bacteria in the mouth indicate the likelihood of pancreatic cancer
The presence of certain bacteria in the mouth may indicate an increased risk of developing pancreatic cancer. With their help, an earlier and more precise treatment can be initiated quickly.

Researchers at the NYU Langone Medical Center found in a study that there is a way to detect the onset of pancreatic cancer at an early stage. Certain bacteria in the mouth can be an indication of an increased risk of pancreatic cancer. The researchers published the results of their study at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research.

The presence of certain bacteria in our mouth indicates an increased likelihood of developing pancreatic cancer. (Image: yodiyim /

Bacterial changes in the mouth should be investigated
Patients with pancreatic cancer are prone to gum disease, cavities and generally have poor oral health, say the physicians. The results of the study showed that a bacterial change in our mouth could indicate the risk of developing pancreatic cancer. Additional factors include age, gender, pre-existing conditions in the family and whether those affected are smokers, says Jiyoung Ahn, one of the researchers from the NYU Langone Medical Center. Pancreatic cancer is usually difficult to detect early, the disease is extremely fatal, and only a few survived for more than 5 years after diagnosis.

Two types of bacteria are particularly dangerous
When people in the mouth so-called aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans bacteria are found, the risk of developing pancreatic cancer rose by about 119 percent, the scientists warn. The bacteria can often be associated with periodontal disease. The presence of Porphyromonas gingivalis bacteria in our mouth increases the risk of pancreatic cancer by at least 59 percent, compared to people without such bacteria, say the experts. Both types of bacteria have been found in diseases such as periodontitis or inflammation of the gums. The research also made it clear that cigarette smoking leads to changes in the amount and composition of bacteria in our mouth, the physicians add.

Study examines mouthwash samples from 361 people with pancreatic cancer
For the current study, researchers compared the bacterial content in mouthwash samples from 361 men and women with pancreatic cancer, with samples from 371 people of the same age who did not suffer from such disease. However, more research is needed to pinpoint a cause-and-effect relationship, the researchers at the NYU Langone Medical Center explain. (As)