Bahr calls for clarification of the organ scandal

Bahr calls for clarification of the organ scandal / Health News

Ministry of Health calls for complete education on organ scandal


The Federal Minister of Health Daniel Bahr (FDP) has called for a quick education on the organ donation scandal at the University of Göttingen. The Minister of Health was terrified „the extent of maladministration in organ transplants“ in Göttingen. „If the allegations of the slippage of organ allocations are confirmed, massive consequences must follow“, a spokesman quoted the minister in Berlin.

On Friday reported the „Southgerman newspaper“ on serious events in the department of transplantation of the University Hospital Göttingen. At the clinic, patients were preferably treated for liver transplants. As a result, the hospital's management has already dismissed the senior chief physician of transplant surgery with immediate effect. This had apparently manipulated patient data in such a way that some patients preferred to receive organ donation. In the meantime, the prosecutor has intervened and goes to the allegations. Initial investigation results are not yet available.

Scandal not only unlawful but also ethically reprehensible
„Such an approach is not only unlawful, but highly disrespectful and ethically reprehensible when organs are not transplanted to medical urgency“, stressed the ministry spokesman. The Health Minister fears that the media reports on the scandal could ensure that „would greatly shake the willingness to donate organs“. Already at the end of June, the ministry was informed about the events and has since been in close contact with the responsible authorities and the clinic.

Not just a culprit but several employees
In the course of a press conference, the chairman of the University of Göttingen, Martin Siess, confirmed that other offenders were very likely to be involved. Although it is theoretically possible that the alleged main perpetrator manipulated the files alone, but that was „very unlikely“. On the other hand it is the same „unlikely that many employees manipulated the files“, so Siess.

Like Daniel Bahr, the health spokesman for the Union faction, Jens Spahn, demanded a speedy and above all „complete clarification of the case“. On the part of the medical association and the German donation organ transplantation (DSO) demanded the health politician „that they finally reach through and make processes transparent.“ If that does not happen, „the institutions should be deprived of control“.

Organ donation into state hands
The German Hospice Foundation called for organ donation to be placed under state control so that such incidents would not recur. „Otherwise, people lose confidence in the organ donation system“. However, the chairman of the association, Günter Kirste, hopes that the „Do not let people insecure the individual case in principle“. (Sb)

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