Badregeln Blue lips an indication of hypothermia

Summertime is bath time. But children are too long when splashing in the water, they can also under warm outside temperatures. At the latest when the lips turn blue, it is therefore: Out of the water! Other rules should be followed, so that the bathing pleasure is not a risk.
Many children forget to splash around and do not realize how cold they already are. Not infrequently, they are trembling and with blue lips in the pelvis, which are indications of hypothermia. At least now, a plank should be inserted, so the reminder in the bathing rules of the German Life-Rescue Society (DLRG). Since children often do not have it in their own eyes, parents are also in demand here.

When feeling cold leave the water
If the lips turn blue, this indicates hypothermia and those affected should leave the water immediately, according to the DLRG. Basically bathers are asked when they feel cold to take a swim break - even if the physical signs such as blue lips and goosebumps may not yet exist. In addition, the experts recommend taking off the wet clothes after bathing in order to reduce the risk of a cold.
Cool down before bathing
Another important bathing rule, which according to the DLRG should be observed at high outside temperatures, is cooling down before bathing. This is especially true for older people, who have a somewhat weakened circulation anyway, but children should also consider the rule. Last but not least, the DLRG reminds that swimming with a full and empty stomach can also be a risk. In foreign waters, it should also be checked first, how deep they are and non-swimmers should maximally to the chest into the water, the advice of the DLRG. (Fp)