Australia Tattooed mother is allowed to breastfeed her own child after judgment

Australia Tattooed mother is allowed to breastfeed her own child after judgment / Health News
Tattooed Australian woman is allowed to breastfeed her baby
A court ruling in Australia had caused a stir worldwide: judges had imposed a breastfeeding ban on a young mother. This was justified by the fact that the woman had recently been tattooed and therefore there was a health risk for the baby. The verdict has now been lifted.

Breastfeeding prohibited by court
Numerous studies have shown that breastfeeding can protect against allergies, reduce the risk of diseases such as type 2 diabetes, and strengthen the immune system. Moreover, a few months ago scientists pointed out that breastfeeding can also make people intelligent and well-off. This was mainly due to the long-chain saturated fatty acids in breast milk, which are important for the development of the brain. However, a young mother in Australia was forbidden to breastfeed. The case caused a sensation worldwide. Now the verdict has been lifted again.

Tattooed mother is allowed to breastfeed. Image: Eugenio Marongiu - Fotolia

Young mother had tattooed
At the beginning of the month, a judge ruled that the mother, who recently had her finger and foot tattooed, could pose a health threat to the child. This was not justified by questionable ingredients, which could be in the tattoo colors, but with the fact that the 20-year-olds could be infected with illnesses such as hepatitis or HIV. As the news agency AFP reported, the case came through a custody battle rolling. The mother had gone to court because her ex-partner had not returned her son.

Infection was not excluded
The judge emphasized during the hearing that the woman had taken medication for postnatal depression and had been using cannabis for a longer period of time. He also commented on the woman's freshly tattooed tattoos, which, despite a negative HIV test, could pose a threat to the boy, as infection can only be safely ruled out after three months. Accordingly, it is in the interests of the child not to be breastfed, taking into account the benefits of breastfeeding against lifelong injury from HIV infection.

Emotional and physical benefits of breastfeeding
A family court has now overturned the breastfeeding ban. The previous sentence prohibiting the mother from breast-feeding her eleven-month-old son was unanimously lifted. The indications of a possible risk are not sufficient. It also states that the judge did not sufficiently appreciate the emotional and physical benefits of breastfeeding on the one hand and possible negative effects of an abrupt breastfeeding stop on the other hand. The Australian Breastfeeding Association had criticized the original judgment and warned that it would create a dangerous precedent. "Tattooing is a regulated industry," said Chairwoman Rebecca Naylor on Australian radio. Therefore, the probability of becoming infected with a disease is very low. "I think there is no reason to do so unless there is evidence of tattoo disease," says Naylor. She urged all tattooed women to continue nursing their children. (Ad)