Exit from addiction Smokers need a firm will

Smoking endangers your health, causes bad breath and odors, is addictive and expensive. There are enough reasons to keep your hands off cigarettes. For smokers to get out of their addictions, they need a firm will and perseverance.
Smokers endanger their health
Tobacco consumption endangers the health. For example, smoking alone favors 12 types of cancer, including lung cancer, pancreatic cancer and colorectal cancer, cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and stroke, diabetes, arterial diseases such as atherosclerosis (arteriosclerosis) or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COPD (smoker's lung). In addition, the smoke ensures that you stink. Giving up smoking is never too late, according to health experts. A smoking stop is worthwhile even in old age. However, he is usually very difficult to those affected. In a message from the news agency dpa, experts explain how to manage to stop.

"A firm will is the prerequisite for smoking cessation"
On the occasion of World No Tobacco Day on May 31, Martina Pötschke-Langer from the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) explains: "Smoke Stop is more complex than you think", not least because nicotine is a "very heavy drug". Aspiring non-smokers do not have to adjust to physical withdrawal, but above all to the fact that the addiction will put you to the test again and again. It counts the will: "A firm decision, a firm will is the prerequisite for the smoking cessation," said Pötschke-Langer. In addition, one needs a good reason: According to the psychologist Maja Storch, author of the book "Rauchpause", there must be even more than will: "One needs a good reason, which also convinces the unconscious." This can, for example, the birth of a child or even a pending surgery. "It is important that you notice that the reason causes a strong emotional response," says Storch. That's the only way to be motivated by oneself.
Set a specific date
To stop smoking, you need an appointment. The DKFZ writes on its website: "Choose an exit date within the next three weeks and do not be dissuaded from it!" The experts also recommend: "Choose a stress-free time for smoking cessation!" Also Gabriele Bartsch of the Germans Hauptstelle für Suchtfragen (DHS) recommends in the dpa notification to set a concrete date. The psychologist Storch says such a "magic border" can work. It can also be helpful to put pressure on others by telling others about their decision.
Move more after smoking stop
The smoking cessation should be well prepared. Pötschke-Langer advises those who would like to use aids such as nicotine gums or patches to have these worried at the targeted date. And: "One should throw away his smoke utensils." The fear of quitting is usually unfounded. "The fear of withdrawal is often worse than the withdrawal itself," explains Bartsch. Nicotine is no longer detectable after just three to four days. And the purely physical withdrawal is over after about 14 days. Although increasing after cigarette weaning is likely, but not a must: "Smoking is stress for the body," said Bartsch. "That's why it costs energy." Whoever eats as before and does not move more often, will probably increase. The problem can be easily addressed by taking fewer calories and providing more exercise.
Go daily to the fresh air
After weaning, it's about time to distract yourself. "Run away from the addiction," Pötschke-Langer recommends. Although you do not have to become a high-performance athlete just because you can keep your hands off cigarettes, you should make every effort to get out in the fresh air every day. "Or you do ten squats instead of smoking," says Bartsch. For distraction by eating, fruit, vegetables or sugar-free chewing gum, but no sweets, are offered. Former smokers also have to break with old habits. If you were used to coffee and cigarettes on the balcony in the morning, you should at least sit somewhere else. "Maybe you change to tea," says Pötschke-Langer. Since many alcohol and cigarettes belong together, it may be better to leave out the liquor for a few weeks. At meetings in smoking bars should be waived. "Avoid especially in the first smoke-free days places and people who could animate to smoking!", Writes the DKFZ.
Social environment to prepare for withdrawal symptoms
Since with the smoke stop also withdrawal symptoms such as restlessness, malaise and irritability go along, one should prepare his environment on it, advises Pötschke-Langer. In the case of the case one then experiences support or at least understanding for the lousy mood. Also, the thought of money can motivate: As Pötschke-Langer vorrecchnet, you save in a recent consumption of a box a day about 35 euros a week. In half a year, that's about 900 euros. Besides, if you relapse, you should not throw out the whole non smoking project. According to Bartsch, the risk of relapse is still quite high in the first four to six weeks. Even after that, the temptation of the expert for another one to two years. "One is still a very long smoker who does not smoke." In addition, you should arm yourself against tricks of the psyche. On the train of thought: "Now I have not smoked so long that I over it and can treat myself to the reward of a cigarette," according to Bartsch should not fall in any case, otherwise you smoker smokes faster than you get a cigarette can ignite. (Ad)