Sleep on weekends harmful to health

Many people enjoy being able to stay in bed longer during the weekend. However, US sleep researchers now report that prolonged sleep can be detrimental to their health. The risk of heart disease increases.
Increased risk of heart disease
People who have to get up early every working day because of work, usually want to sleep late at the weekend. This feels good, but it can also be harmful to your health. For example, scientists from the University of Pittsburgh (USA) reported years ago that irregular sleep, including long weekend sleepouts, may increase the risk of heart disease and diabetes. Sleep researchers at the University of Arizona have now confirmed the negative effects as well.

Long sleep is not good for our body
Not only too little sleep but also too much sleep will be detrimental to our health.
And even irregular sleep times, such as the extended sleep on holidays or weekends are not good for our body, according to scientific research.
When bedtime is significantly different between weekends and workweeks, experts talk about a social jet lag. This term is also used in connection with the time change and irregular bedtime of shift workers.
Prevent health problems
Sleep researchers at the University of Arizona at Tucson have now discovered that social jet lag is associated with poorer health, poor mood, and increased fatigue and fatigue.
To reach their conclusions, the experts analyzed data from nearly 1,000 adults between the ages of 22 and 60 who had participated in the Sleep and Healthy Activity, Diet, Environment, and Socialization (SHADES) study.
The scientists around Dr. Michael A. Grandner, head of the University's Sleep and Health Research Program, also found that this significantly increases the likelihood of heart disease.
"It was particularly surprising that these effects were independent of sleep duration and sleep disorders," study author Sierra B. Forbush said in a statement.
"These results indicate that not only sleep alone, but also the regularity of bedtime play an important role in our health."
According to the researchers, a regular sleep schedule could be an effective, relatively simple and inexpensive measure to prevent heart disease and other health problems.
Not too much and not too little sleep
The American Academy of Sleep Medicine recommends a sleep period of at least seven hours for adults.
However, more than eight hours of sleep per night are rather unhealthy according to Norwegian scientists.
In addition to the right amount of sleep, good sleep quality, regularity, and the right time to sleep are all part of a healthy sleep.
If you have sleep problems, it should try with some tips for proper sleep: For a restful sleep is a healthy lifestyle and the absence of late food, coffee, nicotine, alcohol and intense sports in the evening.
It is also helpful to observe regular sleep times and to reduce your weight if you are overweight. Also useful are various home remedies for sleep disorders.
A calming tea made of passionflower or chamomile, for example, has proven to be effective in relieving tension. Relaxation techniques such as autogenic training or progressive muscle relaxation can also be effective. (Ad)