Balance for the body Give it to the inner bastard

Balance for the body Give it to the inner bastard / Health News
Mindfully deal with yourself and sometimes give in to the inner bastard
Even though every person knows that regular exercise is healthy, it is still difficult for many to never get over it. Although experts always give tips on how to tackle the inner bastard, but must it really be? Not always; sometimes you have to treat your body to a break.

Regular exercise is for health
Sport is healthy. Among other things, regular exercise helps to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension or heart attack. But often it is difficult to motivate and complete the training session. It is often not easy to defeat the inner bastard, get up off the sofa and start the planned jogging session. But that does not always have to be.

Health experts always have tips on how to defeat the inner bastard. But sometimes you should give it to him and take a break. (Image: Floydine /

The inner bastard lurks everywhere
"Whether in front of the filled refrigerator or on the comfortable sofa, the inner bastard is lurking (unfortunately) everywhere," writes Ramona Clemens of the Landessportbund Nordrhein-Westfalen in his current magazine "Wir im Sport"..

But you just have to give up and stay on the couch. Everyone should keep in mind, "what the inner bastards want to signal us?" Maybe the day was really extremely exhausting, so that the body rightly calls for a break and some rest.

Living in harmony with yourself
The body demands in such moments right after a break and some rest, which should be granted to him. "Of course it is very important to move regularly and to eat healthily," says Clemens.

"But the main goal must be to live in harmony with oneself and make the right decisions with heart and mind. When, where and how does everyone decide themselves? "(Ad)