Evaluated Even small amounts of whole grains make us healthier

Evaluated Even small amounts of whole grains make us healthier / Health News
Whole grain is good for your health - this is well known and well documented by a variety of studies. A study from the British Medical Journal showed that even small amounts have a positive effect.

An international team of scientists evaluated 45 studies on whole grain consumption and various diseases. More than 7,000 cases of coronary heart disease, 2,000 strokes, 26,000 cases of cardiovascular disease among 700,000 patients were included in the analysis.

Wholegrain makes you healthy. Image: photocrew - fotolia

Previous studies had already confirmed that high whole-grain consumption counteracts type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and obesity. The current study extends the knowledge: 90 g of whole grains daily could increase the risk of coronary heart disease (19%), cardiovascular disease (22%), mortality (17%), death from stroke (14%), cancer (15%). ), Respiratory diseases (22%), infectious diseases (26%) and diabetes (51%). 90g is equivalent to three servings of whole grain, that is, for example, two slices of bread and a bowl of breakfast cereals.

The positive effect of most diseases was increased to a daily intake of 210 to 225 g of whole grains. That's more than seven servings. The biggest benefit came from people who increased their intake from one to two servings a day. The reduced risk of cardiovascular disease was related to the intake of whole grain bread and whole grain breakfast cereals, but also to the overall consumption of bread and cereal flakes.

However, the scientists also point out that the biological mechanisms behind the positive effect of whole grain consumption are complex and not yet conclusively clarified.

Few people eat three or more servings of whole grains daily. One positive example is Denmark: Targeted campaigns and the expansion of the product range over the past ten years have resulted in a doubling of the total consumption of whole-wheat populations.

"Whole grain consumption can easily be increased in everyday life by replacing bread, pasta and rice with the whole grain variant," explains Harald Seitz, nutritionist at aid infodienst in Bonn. "Ask the baker how much wholemeal flour is actually contained in bread and rolls." Wholemeal bread is made from at least 90 percent rye and wholemeal grain products. "Just because the roll is a bit darker and has a few grains on it, it is still far from a wholemeal roll," said Seitz. (Heike Kreutz, aid)