Evaluated Antibiotics are misused far too often

Evaluated Antibiotics are misused far too often / Health News
TK: Many insured people get antibiotics when they catch a cold
According to the Health Report of the Techniker Krankenkasse (TK), many Germans receive antibiotics for colds. Such frivolous and improper use of antibiotics is a massive problem in medicine. The Bremen health economist Professor Gerd Glaeske therefore calls for an action line for doctors to curb the problem. Because the result is increasing resistance of the bacterial pathogens and it threatens the opinion of many experts, a post-antibiotic era in which bacterial infectious diseases are only partially treatable.

The improper use includes, for example, the use of antibiotics for colds, which takes place according to the information of the health insurance technicians in this country almost every fifth insured person. Although there is a slight downward trend in the prescriptions of antibiotics for colds in the TK Health Report data, more than one in five insured are still prescribed such medicines for cough, runny nose and hoarseness. Here, the problem of improper use of antibiotics in a special way, because colds are usually viral infections against the antibiotics show no effect.

Many insured persons in Germany are prescribed antibiotics for a cold, although the medicines have no effect against such viral infections. (Picture: Picture-Factory / fotolia.com)

Distribution of multidrug-resistant pathogens
In fact, antibiotics are highly effective drugs for treating bacterial infections. However, when used improperly, bacteria often come into contact with low dosages that do not kill them, and the pathogens can then develop resistance to the drugs of the particular class. Many germs have already developed resistance, which they can pass on among themselves. For example, the prevalence of multidrug-resistant bacteria has risen dramatically in recent decades, and not only the World Health Organization (WHO) sees this as one of the greatest medical challenges of the future.

Strategy against antibiotic resistance
The Federal Government has responded with the German Antibiotic Resistance Strategy (DART 2020), which represents the measures required to reduce antibiotic resistance. According to this, for example, there is a high need for information and knowledge gaps both in the population as well as in medical and veterinary medicine as well as animal owners. "According to Federal Health Minister Hermann Gröhe, the Federal Government is increasingly advocating antibiotic resistance at the World Health Organization ... Cooperation with the WHO plays a special role here as global action is needed to curb further increases in drug resistance.

Many insured people get antibiotics for colds
In the TK health report of the past year, it became clear that statistically speaking, almost four out of ten TK-insured employees were on sick leave due to a cold in 2015. Around one in five (20.5 percent), who had been on sick leave for a maximum of three days, received an antibiotics prescription. From the preliminary data for the current year, according to media reports, this still applies in 2016 to around 19 percent of these TK insured persons.

Decline in improper antibiotic prescriptions
Altogether, the data of the TK show a quite positive trend, which also speaks for an increased problem awareness with the topic of antibiotic resistances. In 2011, almost one in three (28.8 percent) insured received antibiotics for a maximum of three days' cold, even though the antibiotics only work against bacteria and not against viruses. The decline to around 20 percent in 2016 is therefore pleasing. The Techniker Krankenkasse also emphasizes that the patients themselves can do a lot "to protect themselves and prevent multidrug-resistant pathogens from spreading further."

Guidance requested on handling antibiotics
TK has provided information on insured persons on its website a digital information package "Multidrug-resistant pathogens - What to do?", Which includes, inter alia, in the areas of antibiotics, travel, hospital and kitchen hygiene. For example, "the most effective method of prevention in hospitals is consistent hand disinfection," says Hardy Müller of the Scientific Institute of the Techniker Krankenkasse. (WINEG). In view of the continuing high prescription rates with an inappropriate background, the Bremen health economist Professor Dr. med. Furthermore, Gerd Glaeske called for a guideline for doctors to handle antibiotics. "We do not have a single guideline that shows doctors exactly how to take antibiotics," Glaeske is quoted by the dpa news agency. In addition, more hygienists in hospitals are required, which in turn should be more closely meshed with the outpatient doctors. (Fp)