Stamina or weights - Which training works better against aging?

Which training better counteracts aging?
Running in the fresh air leads to various well-known health benefits, such as building strong bones and strengthening the muscles. Researchers now looked at how regular jogging or running affects aging, answering the question of whether stamina or resistance training would better counteract aging.
The scientists of the University of Leipzig found in their current study that regular jogging can slow down the signs of aging. Such effects could not be determined during resistance training. The physicians published the results of their study in the English-language journal "European Heart Journal".

Researchers studied three different forms of training
In the new study, the experts examined the effects of different forms of exercise on the human body. To do this, the researchers compared the effects of endurance training, HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) and Strength Training. Unfortunately, many people do not move enough and do not do enough sport.
266 participants were examined for the study
Over the course of six months, the team examined 266 healthy volunteers who participated in three weekly workouts. These participants were randomly assigned to one of the three types of movement mentioned above or a control group. All subjects were described as previously inactive, creating a consistent environment for the study.
What did the different training sessions consist of??
The endurance training included long runs. The so-called HIIT training consisted of a warm-up followed by running intervals. Resistance training included various exercises such as crunches and chest presses. The researchers analyzed the participants' white blood cells at the beginning of the study, a few days after starting the study, and then again at the end of the six-month period. The team found that so-called telomerase activity and telomere length in participants' white blood cells increased more when they completed endurance and HIIT training compared to people who did not do any training or resistance training at all. Telomeres are sections of DNA that influence human aging. They can be found at the end of chromosomes.
What should runners do with knee pain??
Compared to the control group, participants who had performed endurance and high intensity training had increased telomerase activity and telomere length after the study period, explains study author Professor Ulrich Laufs of the University of Leipzig. Interestingly, weight training did not result in these effects. From an evolutionary point of view, endurance and high-intensity interval training was more akin to the locomotion, fighting or flight behavior of our ancestors than strength training, so a possible explanation.
Endurance training like running can be beneficial to your health, but it can also cause injury to areas of the body such as the knee and heel. Especially knee pain occurs very often in runners. If you have knee pain while walking, experts recommend rest for at least one week and seek medical advice if there is no improvement during this time. (As)