Propagation of numerous pathogens So dingy are aircraft cabins

Dangerous bacteria: Many pathogens lurk on the plane
Although scientists recently reported that it is not clear how many viruses and bacteria are being transmitted by air, it is clear that many pathogens can be found in airplanes. Especially folding tables, armrests, seat covers, door handles and toilet flush buttons are often heavily contaminated, as a study showed now.
Health hazards in the airplane
Air travel is often dangerous to health. Not only because it increases the risk of thrombosis in flight, but also because many surfaces on the aircraft are often populated with potentially dangerous microorganisms that could trigger infectious diseases. This has now been shown in a study by researchers from the Friedrich Schiller University Jena (FSU).

Potential sources for the rapid spread of infectious diseases
According to a FSU announcement, a total of 4.1 billion passengers were transported in 2017, a record number.
According to the experts, in the civil aviation sector alone, 4.1 billion are potential sources of rapid infectious disease spread, which were geographically limited in the past.
"Material surfaces in aircraft cabins are a unique habitat for microbes," said Prof. Dr. med. Klaus Jandt from the Otto Schott Institute for Materials Research at the University of Jena.
"No other means of transport will bridge such great distances between countries and continents in a short time, connecting regions with good health care to areas where epidemics or dangerous infectious diseases are not uncommon," said the expert.
Surfaces colonized by different microorganisms
As part of the review article, published in the journal "Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease," the Jena material scientists examined almost 800 original papers on the scientific findings on microbes on aircraft surfaces.
It has been found that the surfaces in aircraft are generally populated by different types of microorganisms.
"There are infectious hotspots like folding tables, armrests, seat covers, door handles and toilet flush buttons", explained Prof. Jandt.
"We were surprised at how relatively few reliable data on the number of microbes on inner surfaces of airliner materials are available, although there are many, and sometimes less reputable, sources on the Internet," the expert added.
Some microbes use us, some harm us
"Not all microbes are dangerous for humans, many even use us," explained Prof. Dr. med. Mathias W. Pletz from the University Hospital Jena.
"However, some microbes that are found in aircraft are not harmless," said the co-author of the study.
As the Jena researchers continue to report, the survivability and transferability of microbes to humans depends, among other things, on the types of materials and their physicochemical surface properties.
Interrupt superficial chains of infection sustainably
So that no one needs to be more concerned about microbes on the surfaces in the aircraft, the Jena researchers propose a catalog of measures in their work.
These include creating awareness of this issue among aircraft manufacturers, airlines, cabin crew and passengers.
But also information boards at the hotspots, a more thorough and frequent cleaning of the hotspots and the use of new antimicrobial material concepts, which the scientists in Jena are currently working on.
These strategies could soon succeed in sustainably interrupting superficial chains of infection in airplanes, the FSU research team is optimistic. (Ad)