Spread of tropical infectious diseases

Mosquitoes as transmitters of tropical infectious diseases
Tropical diseases are increasingly spreading in Germany as well. In the course of climate change, tropical mosquitoes have also gained a foothold in this country and could infect them with diseases such as malaria, the parasitic infectious disease leishmaniasis, West Nile fever and dengue fever. With a „nationwide mosquito monitoring is now an overview of the spread of blood-sucking insects, the change in the domestic mosquito fauna and a risk assessment for the spread of infectious diseases“ The Senckenberg Society for Natural Research (SGN) reports in a recent press release.
The website of the large-scale project created by the Biodiversity and Climate Research Center (BiK-F) in cooperation with the SGN is online since today and offers a first overview of the consequences of the „Climate change, globalization, population growth and biodiversity loss“ on the spread of foreign mosquito species in Germany. The tropical mosquitoes also bring tropical infectious diseases to Germany, which have so far played no role here in Germany. „Mosquitoes are used by various pathogens, such as viruses or parasites, as a means of transport or as a host - a so-called vector - to move from one organism to another“, explained Professor Sven Klimpel from the Biodiversity and Climate Research Center and the Senckenberg Society for Natural Research. In the future, new epidemics and infectious diseases could occur in this country, the experts warn.
Overview of the mosquito species and the transmitted pathogens
In addition to the BiK-F and the SGN, the Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine in Hamburg (BNI) and the Community Action Group for the Control of the Snaring Plague e.V. (KABS) are involved in the current research project. The scientists want according to own data „within the next few years gain a detailed overview of the distribution of around 50 mosquito species in Germany and find out which pathogens they can harbor and transmit.“ The heart of the project is an online database in which the data of all collected mosquitoes and viruses or pathogens that were detected in the bloodsuckers processed. Everybody would be caught „Insect almost to a point on a map of Germany and we get a distribution map that shows us which mosquito species where and in what numbers occur“, reports the SGN.
Domestic mosquitoes as transmitters of malaria?
The previous knowledge about occurrence, distribution and vector competence of mosquitoes in Germany is incomplete and is based essentially on outdated data, the scientists explained their current research approach. According to the experts are „secure and up-to-date datasets essential to detect a potential outbreak of an infectious disease in good time and to take preventive measures.“ The risk from the bloodsucking pests should not be underestimated. For example, sandfly species found in this country have been identified as potential vectors for the spread of leishmaniasis. Also, the domestic mosquito Anopheles plumbeus can be transmitted demonstrably imported strains of the dangerous malaria pathogen Plasmodium falciparum, which would be associated with a particularly high risk of disease. Because this mosquito has got a pure “Tree cavity nesters“ to the “Rain barrels breeder“ develops and feels well in gardens and thus human closeness, according to the SGN.
Spread of invasive mosquito species and tropical infectious diseases
Although, according to Prof. Sven Klimpel „So far in this country no cases for the transmission of the mentioned diseases known and there is no reason to panic.“ But it is „to assume that in future - due to global warming - both invasive mosquito species and the associated pathogens will continue to spread and become established in Europe and Germany over the next decades.“ How high the risk currently is, will be shown in the course of the current major project. (Fp)
Also read:
New York mosquitoes infected with dangerous virus
Spread of the West Nile virus in Europe
Europe: West Nile fever is spreading
Dangerous tropical fever by bush mosquitoes
Climate change: Dengue fever reaches Europe
Picture: Peashooter