Excitement about halal meat at Edeka

A photo supposedly from an Edeka market is currently causing a stir in the social networks. The reason: In the picture a meat pack with the inscription "halal" can be seen. Many customers reacted with anger and even announced a future boycott of the supermarket chain. But the company reacted quickly and provided on its Facebook page for education.
Customers are calling for a boycott
The excitement on the net was great after a picture of halal meat appeared in a supermarket display. Because it quickly made the round that the photo was allegedly taken in a local Edeka branch. Animal rights activists reacted outraged and criticized the company sharp, many customers made their displeasure on Facebook air and called for a boycott. Comments like "As long as you sell Halal products, I will not set foot in any of your markets!" Made it clear that apparently only the imprint "halal" can trigger.

Shafts is prohibited in this country
By the Arabic word "halal", Muslims refer to flesh that is "allowed" under Muslim rules. It is characterized in that the animals are killed without anesthesia with a cut through the throat and bleed ("shafts"). This is to make sure that Muslims do not eat blood when eating meat, because according to the Koran this is forbidden. In Germany, the shedding of animals without stunning according to § 17 of the Animal Protection Act (TierSchG) is prohibited - however, for religious reasons, a special permit can be applied for.
Edeka reacts to Facebook on the allegations
Edeka reacted promptly on Facebook and commented on the photo. "A shedding of animals rejects EDEKA in principle. And the anesthetic-free slaughtering is forbidden in Germany for animal protection reasons in principle. At EDEKA, there are no meat or sausage products that come from slaughtered animals! ", So the comment of the food company. It was also said that Halal slaughtering was "in no way equated with ritual slaughter," because "the term 'halal' basically means that it is food that is 'pure' according to the Islamic rite and thus suitable for ingesting food." the company continues.
Therefore, the "Halal slaughter, as required by law, is different from conventional slaughter." Edeka said that a few merchants in the group also Halal products, but the excitement was unfounded, since the photo is not one Edeka branch stem. The exact origin is unknown instead. However, some median reported that it came from an older post from the News of the BBC and was taken in France. (No)