Pay attention to typical instructions to avoid impending tooth loss

When bleeding more frequently when brushing your teeth, this should not be ignored. The reason could be an inflammation. If such warning signals are not taken seriously, tooth loss threatens.
Pay attention to early warning signs
Gingivitis has become a veritable widespread disease. Three out of four adults suffer from periodontal disease. The symptoms usually appear creeping, so that the inflammation is often not noticed by the patient. It is all the more important to pay attention to early warning signals, so as not to risk a decrease in the gum or even tooth loss. In exceptional cases, tooth inflammation can be dangerous to the heart, as pathogens can enter the bloodstream, as studies have shown.

Inflammation is usually triggered by deposits
Periodontitis is an inflammation of the dental bed and periodontium, which is usually caused by a bacterial infection due to lack of dental care. In addition, risk factors such as smoking, poor diet, long-term medication with certain remedies and stress play a role. To prevent it is especially recommended a thorough dental and oral care, in which the careful cleaning of the interdental spaces must not be neglected. This is reported by the East German dental associations in their patient journal "ZahnRat", which deals with the topic in the current issue no. 85 under the heading "periodontitis - an underestimated danger". In addition, a regular Professional teeth cleaning can be worthwhile, for which there are subsidies from about every second cash.
Take redness and bleeding gums seriously
Periodontitis is usually painless at the beginning and therefore often goes unnoticed for a long time. A fatal situation, because the disease is not treated in time, threaten according to the East German dental associations serious consequences such as gum decline, bad breath, loss of supporting tissue and tooth loosening. Accordingly, the first warning signs such as redness and swelling of the gums or frequent bleeding gums when brushing your teeth should be taken seriously and observed. Despite all calls for better dental hygiene, it should be noted that one should not brush the teeth too often. If you brush around ten times a day with a hard toothbrush, you scrub the enamel off, warn dentists.
Dentist measures depth of periodontal pockets
"If an intensive and correct dental and oral care does not improve within a short time, it is high time to get into dental hands," said the expert advice in the journal. To determine an inflammation, the dentist measures, inter alia, at six points in the mouth the depth of the so-called "periodontal pockets". Confirmed the suspicion would be removed for pretreatment, among other things, the coating and renewed, for example, a defective filling, depending on the case. Subsequently, the cleaning of the recessed gingival pockets, a medical treatment as well as a regular follow-up take place. (no, ad)