Respiratory problems Pollen allergy sufferers can benefit greatly from sport

In Germany, around 13 million people suffer from pollen allergy and hay fever. Especially in the spring, sufferers often struggle with itchy eyes, sneezing and coughing. But there are some tips that can protect allergy sufferers - including through regular exercise.
Around 13 million Germans have hay fever
According to the German Allergy and Asthma Association (DAAB), about 16 percent of the population nationwide - about 13 million people - have a pollen allergy. If the pollen of trees, shrubs, grasses, cereals and herbs touch the mucous membranes of those affected, allergic reactions are triggered. Various home remedies for hay fever can help to prevent or relieve the symptoms. Even endurance sports can benefit allergy sufferers.

Avoid pollen best
The safest method of treating hay fever is to avoid pollen. With the help of special apps and websites, one can see when the pollen count is strongest and in part can also "predict" their individual allergic risk.
It is also recommended to air in the morning between six and eight o'clock, when the pollen count is the lowest. In strong winds should be dispensed with the airing. So you do not bring the pollen-tainted clothes into the bedroom, you should take them off in the bathroom.
Getting into a shower before going to bed; In particular, the hair should be washed because there pollen may have settled.
Wet towels hung in the room can help as pollen sticks to them. In case of rain, allergy sufferers are advised to use this time for a walk.
Treatment at different levels
For many, a specific immunotherapy (hyposensitization) helps, in which the immune system is gradually accustomed to the allergenic substance over a longer period of time by being regularly administered to the person concerned in a gradually increasing dose.
Because of possible side effects that can bring this treatment method, such as allergic reactions or circulatory problems, some allergy-but prefer to natural therapies such as the self-blood therapy, acupuncture or Bach flower therapy.
In exceptional cases, a drug treatment is recommended, which is used to alleviate and prevent the symptoms of hay fever and for the treatment of inflammatory mucosal swelling.
In endurance sports, the respiratory muscles are trained
Since people with hay fever often have to deal with respiratory problems such as shortness of breath or shortness of breath, they should move regularly.
Because especially endurance sports, in which the respiratory muscles are trained, can counteract, as the German Society for Sports Medicine and Prevention (DGSP) explained in a message from the news agency dpa.
According to the experts, a sport is ideal in which you can start slowly and then intensify the units. Even during the hay fever period, there is nothing wrong with continuing the training.
However, allergy sufferers should not expect peak performance at this stage and slow down when out of breath. (Ad)