Asthma Some inhalers are difficult for patients to use

Asthma Some inhalers are difficult for patients to use / Health News

Some people have problems with the use of inhalers?

Patients with respiratory diseases often use so-called inhalers to take medication. Researchers have now discovered that many arthritis sufferers struggle to take their medication with the help of an inhaler because they find it difficult to handle the equipment.

Researchers at the University of Bath found in their study that handling inhalers is very difficult for some people with respiratory diseases. For example, if they have rheumatoid arthritis at the same time, they will not be able to take their medication properly. The scientists published the results of their study in the English-language journal "Respiratory Medicine".

Many people with rheumatoid arthritis find it very difficult to use inhalers properly. (Image: zlikovec /

Rheumatoid arthritis can complicate handling of inhalers

Respiratory diseases, including asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), are prevalent in people with rheumatoid arthritis. It is estimated that more than 60,000 people in the UK alone suffer from both rheumatoid arthritis and lung disease, the authors explain. It should be checked whether patients with respiratory diseases and rheumatoid arthritis can use their inhalers properly, the experts say. This could reduce the risk that affected people can not take their medication properly.

Only 15 percent of participants were able to use some devices correctly

In the study, the researchers compared four different commercial inhalers. The team recruited a total of 34 rheumatoid arthritis subjects and compared how well they could use these four types of commonly prescribed inhalers. The results were then compared to a healthy control group. The scientists found that only 15 percent of arthritis patients were able to take all the steps to use a so-called Handihaler inhaler. By contrast, the value in the control group was 94 percent. Seven steps are needed to properly operate a handihaler, such as removing the medication from its packaging and inserting it into the inhaler. Arthritis often affects the hands, the disease makes complex or controlled actions difficult and painful, which can lead to problems with the use of inhalers.

Turbohaler was easier to use

In contrast, 85 percent of arthritis patients and 100 percent of control subjects were able to use an inhaler called Turbohaler correctly. There are only three steps to do: unscrew the cap, use the twist mechanism and replace the cap.

Inhalers must be used properly

"These results show how important it is for health professionals to ensure that people can use any inhaler they are prescribed. If someone from a pharmacy comes home with a new inhaler and finds that they can not use it, their lung disease will not be treated properly and the NHS will lose money as some inhalers cost more than £ 50, "Dr. Matthew Jones of the Department of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, University of Bath, in a press release.

Asthma can have fatal consequences

The potential consequences if an inhaler can not be physically operated will be very serious for the patients, as ill-treated asthma can be fatal, the expert adds. Pharmacists, doctors and nurses should therefore check whether patients can use prescribed inhalers properly. This way, better results can be achieved and stress and irritation of a complex and difficult process can be avoided for the patient. Nobody wants to see patients unnecessarily struggling to take medicines they need to deal with serious illnesses. Therefore, the results of the study will hopefully lead to a change, the researchers say. (As)