Do not take medication while lying down

Do not take medication while lying down / Health News

Pharmacist tips on taking drugs: Do not take medication while lying down


Pharmacists have been calling for proper medication for years. Seemingly minor factors, such as the body position or the liquid with which the tablets are swallowed, play an important role, according to the experts.

Like the pharmacist of the University of Greifswald, Professor Sandra Klein, in the journal article „New pharmacies Illustrated“ on the subject „Medicines and the stomach“ It is reported that most of the medicines are absorbed through the mouth, whether as powders, granules, tablets or capsules. Most patients „In this way it is easy to take (her) drug“, however, some principles should be considered, according to the expert, to support optimal drug effects and avoid complications.

Always a glass of water for drug intake
The information provided by Professor According to Sandra Klein, for example, when taking tablets, always make sure that they are swallowed with enough liquid, otherwise they will be swallowed „Parts of the drug stick to the inner wall of the esophagus.“ In any case, this would be accompanied by a significant delay in the effect that the drugs only reach the stomach after some time. In the worst case, however, irritation or even permanent damage to the esophagus can occur, explained the expert. In the opinion of Prof. Dr. med. Small therefore always be taken with a glass of water. Other drinks such as fruit juices, coffee, tea, alcohol or milk are not recommended in the current article, as they may react with the drugs and thus possibly cause health problems. For example, when taking grapefruit juice, there is a risk of an undesirably strong effect of the drugs because the juice inhibits a liver enzyme, the experts warn. In other juices and milk, the effects of the drugs are also significantly delayed, as these stay in the stomach almost four times as long as water.

Take medicines while sitting or standing
In order to facilitate the transport of drugs into the stomach, they should ideally be taken while sitting or standing, said the pharmacist Prof. Dr. med. Small on. Otherwise, there are also delays and side effects if the drugs adhere to the mucous membranes of the esophagus. On the information given by the manufacturer regarding the stomach content at the time of administration, the pharmacist expressed quite skeptical. For descriptions such as one hour before or two hours after eating on one and the same preparation are clearly contradictory, since the stomach situation at the two mentioned times is a fundamentally different. One hour before eating, the stomach could be described as sober, with food remaining in the stomach two hours after eating and only reaching a sober state after four hours, the expert explained. So if you want to take medicines on an empty stomach in order to ensure a fast effect, this has to be done according to Prof. Dr. med. Do small one hour before or four hours after eating. However, taking on an empty stomach can also cause discomfort, as some drugs attack the gastric mucosa. Therefore, patients should be the best „Ask your doctor or pharmacist (ask) how to take your medication“, to ensure, „that the remedy also arrives in sufficient quantities where it is needed, "emphasized Prof. Dr. Sandra Klein. (fp)

Picture: Picture credits: Tommy S.