Osteoarthritis scanner in development

In case of arthrosis (joint wear and tear), the symptoms usually do not appear until the advanced stage and the wear that has already occurred is no longer reversible. However, early diagnosis could help prevent joint damage. With a special infrared sensor, degenerative changes in the cartilage could possibly already be detected before a painful arthrosis develops, reports the University of Ulm.
The researchers around the Ulm chemist Prof. Boris Mizaikoff work on an infrared sensor, which is to be used in the course of minimally invasive joint mirroring to detect degenerative changes in the cartilage. The MIRACLE project, in which 13 European partners from research and industry are involved, will be funded with a total of 6.1 million euros under the Horizon 2020 EU Framework Program, according to the Ulm University Communication. In just over three years, the "arthrosis scanner" should already be ready for the market.

Keep joints as long as possible
In advanced age, many women and men suffer from painful wear and tear of the joints, which are referred to as osteoarthritis. The joint wear is irreversible and to counteract the cartilage abrasion or to maintain the affected joint as long as possible, early countermeasures are required. However, this also requires an early diagnosis of degenerative changes. European research institutions and companies from six countries, coordinated by the Finnish University of Oulu, are therefore working on developing a new diagnostic procedure in the MIRACLE project.
Minimally invasive joint mirroring with osteoarthritis scanner
The research team headed by Professor Boris Mizaikoff, head of the Ulm Institute for Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, is involved in the development of the new method based on a sensor in the mid-infrared range. This sensor should be used during a surgical procedure to detect cartilage changes before arthrosis occurs. "The novel sensor detects molecular changes in the course of minimally invasive joint arthroscopy (arthroscopy) and could be a significant enrichment for patient care and research," reports the University of Ulm.
Recognize cartilage injuries early
In arthrosis, the typical symptoms such as pain onset, morning stiffness and a reduced resilience are usually only in the advanced stage. "The diagnosis by means of imaging procedures or joint mirroring is often only made when the protective cartilage is already heavily eroded and may even rub the joint surfaces together," says the University of Ulm. However, the progression of the disease and ultimately the replacement of the joint could in many cases be delayed if cartilage injuries were detected early and treated. New diagnostic methods are therefore in demand and the arthroscopic infrared sensor offers a promising starting point here.
Even better therapy control is the goal
"In addition to improved immediate diagnostics, this measurement technology can also be used to test the success of novel therapies," explains Professor Mizaikoff, whose team is currently developing the prototype of the arthroscopic infrared sensor. The researchers from Ulm are contributing their expertise in infrared spectroscopy and miniaturization of molecular-specific sensor technologies to the project, according to the University. The new sensor is based "on a series of tunable quantum cascade lasers, an integrated beam combiner, infrared fiber optic fibers, as well as a sensor element, which serves in the mid-infrared range for spectroscopy and imaging," explains Prof. Mizaikoff.
Prototype of the arthrosis scanner has already convinced
According to the researchers, the integration of all necessary components in a highly compact format, which allows actual use during arthroscopic surgery, is a particular challenge. However, a miniaturized prototype had already convinced in the run-up to the project. In meniscus samples, for example, pathological changes as well as atherosclerotic deposits on the inside of the blood vessel have been successfully detected and classified. "In the course of a joint mirroring MIRACLE should be easy for the surgeon to handle and provide accurate results, which is why the sensor should be developed as quickly as possible to market," says the University of Ulm. With the help of the arthrosis scanner, the scientists also hope for a better understanding of the disease's development and development. (Fp)