Osteoarthritis research Protein Galectin-1 potentiates inflammation

Many older people suffer from the consequences of osteoarthritis due to the wear and tear of their joints. In most cases, the knee and hip joint or the spine are affected. Certain proteins can increase in the course of osteoarthritis. For the first time, scientists have now discovered that these so-called galectin-1 proteins bind sugar and control inflammation in the affected cartilage. For a long time, the exact impact of proteins on an existing arthosis was unknown.
The researchers from the University Department of Orthopedics at MedUni Vienna found out in their study what Galectin-1 protein does in the case of osteoarthritis. These sugar-binding proteins control the inflammation in the arthritic cartilage. The physicians published the results of their study in the journal "Nature Reviews Rheumatology".

Galectin-1 triggers inflammation
Predominantly older people often suffer from arthritis, a wear of the joints, which exceeds the age customary measure. Often the knee and the hip are affected, but in some cases also the spine. So far, it has not been clear what effect the protein galectin-1 has on such a disease. The researchers discovered for the first time during an investigation that galectin-1 is a trigger of inflammation and is not released as a result of the inflammation itself, explains Professor Stefan Tögel of MedUni Vienna in a press release. The University Hospital is one of the first research institutions in the world to systematically address this issue. The department of glycobiology deals with the biological relevance of sugar chains, which can affect the most diverse cells of the human body, adds the expert.
Researchers wonder why galectin-1 is so highly expressed
Galectin-1 is a protein that binds sugar in humans. In osteoarthritis, this protein is overexpressed in articular cartilage. The more degenerate the affected joint already is, the more of the protein is released, the researchers say. Thus galectin-1 boosts the inflammation even further. According to the scientists, it triggers the release of inflammatory factors via the NF-kB signaling pathway. These then cause our joint continues to be damaged and ultimately destroyed, explain the researchers. However, the question still arises for physicians as to why Galectin-1 is ever so highly expressed, continues Prof. Tögel.
More studies are already running
There are already further ongoing researches by the glycobiologists at the MedUni Vienna. These should clarify whether galectin-1 can be the target of preventive therapies in the future. In addition, the protein might also be used as a potential biomarker for osteoarthritis, the experts hope. (As)