Relieve arthritis naturally

Healthy climate inside the mountain inhibits pain and inflammation in arthritis
Agonizing pain in a variety of joints, which intensify after periods of rest or disturb sleep, speak for rheumatoid arthritis - one of the most serious joint diseases. Usually both hands, shoulders, knees or feet are symmetrical. Swelling, fatigue, or mild fever are considered concomitant symptoms. In Germany alone, around 800,000 people suffer from this chronic inflammation of the joints, and women are three times as likely as men. Often, between the ages of 35 and 45, first relapses set in. Pain-relieving medications often cause serious side effects and usually provide only short-term improvement. On the other hand, radon heat therapy not only relieves the pain in a sustained manner, but according to current studies also positively influences the inflammatory and immune processes, ie precisely the levels that are considered to be the cause of arthritis.
The noble gas radon present in the earth crust demonstrably reduces the activity of inflammatory cells and inhibits the production of painkillers. In combination with heat and high humidity, these effects even increase. Many patients report significant pain relief after radon therapy, lasting up to 9 months, and can often do without medication. „Reduction of the dose plays an essential role, especially for arthritis sufferers, since the intake of so-called nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs often leads to severe side effects such as gastric mucosal changes and bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract,“ explains Univ.-Doz. Dr. Bertram Hölzl, radon expert and medical director of the Gasteiner Heilstollen. „Less pain and fewer side effects mean an improvement in the quality of life for sufferers in two ways.“ Recent studies even suggest that radon heat therapy is not only a purely symptomatic pain therapy, but can initiate the stabilization of the cytokine metabolism in autoimmune diseases such as arthritis. „Many patients also report a significant improvement in joint discomfort in terms of functional limitations“, emphasizes hölzl.
The Radonwärmetherapie is particularly suitable for the treatment of diseases of the rheumatic type, the musculoskeletal system, the respiratory tract and the skin. The climate prevailing in the mountain interior is composed of a natural radon concentration, temperatures above 37 degrees and a humidity of between 70 and 100 percent. Under these conditions, the body core temperature increases, the organism absorbs radon better and benefits even more from its healing power. Health insurance companies often take about 90 percent of the therapy costs. Otherwise, for example, an application in Gasteiner Heilstollen costs about 60 euros. (Pm)