Unemployed should continue to pay additional contributions

The unemployed should continue to pay additional contributions
Hartz IV and Unemployment Benefit I (ALG I) recipients currently have to pay the additional contributions of the statutory health insurance themselves. Federal Health Minister Philipp Rösler (FDP) had announced that in the course of health care reform recipients of Hartz IV benefits unemployed in the ALG I reference should pay no additional contribution in the future. But now everything seems to be changing again.
According to a report of the magazine „The mirror“ have health politicians of the CDU and FDP agreed to exclude at least unemployment benefit One beneficiary from this scheme. In future, the unemployed should continue to pay the additional contributions. The Union had repeatedly pointed out that ALG I was a beneficiary on one „high level“ Obtain unemployment benefit. Only Hartz IV recipients should pay no additional contributions pay.
A total of 16 health insurance companies such as DAK or BKK Gesundheit have been demanding extra contributions from their members since the beginning of the year. If a health fund charges additional contributions in addition to the regular contributions, insured persons have a right of termination. However, this right must be claimed after announcement. The health insurance companies demand either a flat rate of eight euros or a percentage premium of one percent of the cash contributions. (Sb)