Workers After a long illness better step by step back to the job

If employees were unable to work for a long time, returning to work is often difficult. Experts advise those affected not to rush and step back into their daily work routine. Here can help a company integration management.
After a long illness back to the job
If employees were unable to go to work weeks or months due to a lengthy illness, they should better return to work. Often a gradual reintegration is possible and also useful. According to the German Society for Occupational Medicine and Environmental Medicine (DEGAU), workers who had been on sick leave for a long time due to cancer or a stroke would be entitled to a gradual reintegration.

Gradual increase in the number of hours
Other experts also point out this possibility: Marie Rösler of the Bremen Cancer Agency stated in a message from the dpa news agency: "The employer must offer company integration management (BEM) if someone has been incapacitated for more than six weeks per year." The employer should clarify how the employee's inability to work can be overcome and what services and support the person needs. It always depends on the individual case, how it can look in detail. For example, the incremental increase in the number of hours may be a possibility.
Adapt workplace to own illness
According to Rösler, the BEM is unknown to many employees. Therefore, many employees did not respond when they received a letter from the employer requesting BEM. However, it is a good way to adapt the workplace to their own illness. This instrument has been available for over ten years. "Since 2004, employers have been obliged to provide longer-term employees with company integration management (BEM for short)," writes the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (BMAS) on its website. It "serves to maintain employability" and ensures "by individual intervention the individual chances to keep the job". (Ad)